§ 131E-245. Obligations of licensee.
§ 131E‑245. Obligations of licensee.
Nothing in this Article shall relieve any respondent, licensee, oradministrator of a long‑term care facility placed in temporary managementof any civil or criminal liability, or any duty imposed by law, by reason of actsor omissions of the respondent, licensee, or administrator prior to theappointment of the temporary manager. Nothing in this Article shall suspendduring the temporary management any obligation of the respondent, licensee, oradministrator for payment of taxes, other operating and maintenance expenses ofthe long‑term care facility, nor the respondent, licensee, oradministrator or any other person for the payment of mortgages or liens. Noowner, licensee, or administrator shall be held personally liable for acts oromissions of the temporary manager or the temporary manager's employees duringthe term of the temporary management. No licensee or administrator may be heldresponsible or liable for licensure fines, sanctions or penalties, or other administrativesanctions, arising or imposed as a result of acts or omissions occurring duringthe period of temporary management unless those sanctions result from acts oromissions by the licensee or administrator. (1993, c. 390, s. 1.)