§ 130A-93. Access to vital records; copies.
§130A‑93. Access to vital records; copies.
(a) Only the StateRegistrar shall have access to original vital records and to indices to theoriginal vital records. County offices authorized to issue certificates and theNorth Carolina State Archives also shall have access to indices to theseoriginal vital records, when specifically authorized by the State Registrar.
(b) The following birthdata, in any form and on any medium, in the possession of the Department, localhealth departments, or local register of deeds offices shall not be publicrecords pursuant to Chapter 132 of the General Statutes: the names of childrenand parents, the addresses of parents (other than county of residence andpostal code), and the social security numbers of parents. Access to copies andabstracts of these data shall be provided in accordance with G.S. 130A‑99,Chapter 161 of the General Statutes, and this section. All other birth datashall be public records pursuant to Chapter 132 of the General Statutes. Allbirth records and data are State property and shall be managed only inaccordance with official disposition instructions prepared by the Department ofCultural Resources. The application of this Chapter is subject to theprovisions of Article 1 of Chapter 121 of the General Statutes, the NorthCarolina Archives and History Act. The State Registrar and other officialsauthorized to issue certified copies of vital records shall provide copies orabstracts of vital records, except those described in subsections (d), (e), (f)and (g) of this section, to any person upon request.
(c) The State Registrarand other officials authorized to issue certified copies of vital records shallprovide certified copies of vital records, except those described insubsections (d), (e), (f), and (g) of this section, only to the following:
(1) A person requestinga copy of the person's own vital records or that of the person's spouse,sibling, direct ancestor or descendant, or stepparent or stepchild;
(2) A person seekinginformation for a legal determination of personal or property rights; or
(3) An authorized agent,attorney or legal representative of a person described above.
(c1) A funeral directoror funeral service licensee shall be entitled upon request to a certified copyof a death certificate.
(d) Copies, certifiedcopies or abstracts of birth certificates of adopted persons shall be providedin accordance with G.S. 48‑9‑107.
(e) Copies or abstractsof the health and medical information contained on birth certificates shall beprovided only to a person requesting a copy of the health and medicalinformation contained on the person's own birth certificate, a personauthorized by that person, or a person who will use the information for medicalresearch purposes. Copies of or abstracts from any computer or microformdatabase which contains individual‑specific health or medical birth data,whether the database is maintained by the Department, a local healthdepartment, or any other public official, shall be provided only to anindividual requesting his or her own data, a person authorized by thatindividual, or a person who will use the information for medical researchpurposes. The State Registrar shall adopt rules providing for the use of thisinformation for medical research purposes. The rules shall, at a minimum,require a written description of the proposed use of the data, includingprotocols for protecting confidentiality of the data.
(f) Copies, certifiedcopies or abstracts of new birth certificates issued to persons in the federalwitness protection program shall be provided only to a person requesting a copyof the person's own birth certificate and that person's supervising federalmarshall.
(g) No copies,certified copies or abstracts of vital records shall be provided to a person purportingto request copies, certified copies or abstracts of that person's own vitalrecords upon determination that the person whose vital records are beingrequested is deceased.
(h) A certified copyissued under the provisions of this section shall have the same evidentiaryvalue as the original and shall be prima facie evidence of the facts stated inthe document. The State Registrar may appoint agents who shall have theauthority to issue certified copies under a facsimile signature of the StateRegistrar. These copies shall have the same evidentiary value as those issuedby the State Registrar.
(i) Fees for issuingany copy of a vital record or for conducting a search of the files when no copyis made shall be as established in G.S. 130A‑93.1 and G.S. 161‑10.
(j) No person shallprepare or issue any certificate which purports to be an official certifiedcopy of a vital record except as authorized in this Article or the rules. (1983,c. 891, s. 2; 1985, c. 325, s. 1; 1991, c. 343, s. 1; 1993, c. 146, s. 3; 1995,c. 457, s. 7; 1997‑242, s. 1.)