§ 130A-440.1. Early Childhood Vision Care.
§ 130A‑440.1. EarlyChildhood Vision Care.
(a) Vision ScreeningRequired for Children Entering Kindergarten. Every child in this Stateentering kindergarten in the public schools, beginning with the 2007‑2008school year, shall obtain vision screening in accordance with vision screeningstandards adopted by the Governor's Commission on Early Childhood Vision Care.Within 180 days of the start of the school year, the parent of the child shallpresent to the school principal or the principal's designee certification thatthe child has, within the past 12 months, obtained vision screening conductedby a licensed physician, optometrist, physician assistant, nurse practitioner,registered nurse, orthoptist, or a vision screener certified by PreventBlindness North Carolina, or a comprehensive eye examination performed by anophthalmologist or optometrist. The health assessment transmittal form requiredpursuant to G.S. 130A‑440 qualifies as certification that the child hasobtained the required vision screening. All providers conducting visionscreening shall provide each parent in writing the results of the visionscreening on forms bearing the signature of the provider supplied to theprovider by the Governor's Commission on Early Childhood Vision Care. The providershall also orally communicate this information to the parent and shall takereasonable steps to ensure that the parent understands the informationcommunicated. In the instance where a child enters the first grade withouthaving been enrolled in a kindergarten program requiring a vision screening,the requirements for vision screening under this subsection shall apply.
(a1) Comprehensive EyeExamination. For children who receive and fail to pass a vision screening asrequired under subsection (a) of this section, a comprehensive eye examinationis required. If a public school teacher, administrator, or other appropriateschool personnel has reason to believe that a child enrolled in kindergartenthrough third grade is having problems with vision, the school personnel mayrecommend to the child's parent that the child have a comprehensive eyeexamination. Notification to the parent shall also inform the parent that fundsmay be available from the Governor's Commission on Early Childhood Vision Care topay providers for the examination, including corrective lenses.
The comprehensive eyeexamination shall be conducted by a duly licensed optometrist orophthalmologist. The comprehensive eye examination conducted pursuant to thissection shall consist of a complete and thorough examination of the eye andshall include:
(1) Measurement ofvisual acuity;
(2) Ocular alignment andmotility;
(3) Depth perception stereopsis;
(4) Fusion;
(5) Slit lampexamination of the lid margins, conjunctivae, cornea, anterior chamber, iris,and crystalline lens;
(6) Examination of theocular adnexa, the anterior segment, and pupils; and
(7) Cycloplegicrefraction and dilated fundus examination.
Health assessment visionscreening under G.S. 130A‑440 is not a comprehensive eye examination forpurposes of this section.
(b) Repealed by SessionLaws 2006‑240, s. 1(a), effective August 13, 2006.
(c) The results of acomprehensive eye examination conducted under this section shall be included onthe comprehensive eye examination transmittal form developed by the Commissionpursuant to G.S. 143B‑216.75 and shall contain a summary of thecomprehensive eye examination performed by the optometrist or ophthalmologist.Any treatment recommendations by the optometrist or ophthalmologist, such asspectacles for schoolwork, shall appear in the summary and school health card.The provider shall present a signed transmittal form to the parent uponcompletion of the examination. The parent shall submit the transmittal form tothe school in accordance with this section.
(d) Repealed by SessionLaws 2006‑240, s. 1(a), effective August 13, 2006.
(e) G.S. 130A‑441,130A‑442, and 130A‑443, pertaining to health assessments, apply tocomprehensive eye examinations required under this section.
(f) No child shall beexcluded from attending school for a parent's failure to obtain a comprehensiveeye examination required under this section. If a parent fails or refuses toobtain a comprehensive eye examination or to provide the certification of acomprehensive eye examination, the school shall send a written reminder to theparent of required eye examinations and shall include information about fundsthat may be available from the Governor's Commission on Early Childhood VisionCare.
(g) In adoptingstandards for vision screening under this section and as required under G.S.130A‑440, the Commission shall take into account the resources necessaryto comply with the standards and, if standards will require additionalresources, shall mitigate the impact on resources without compromising visionscreening effectiveness.
(h) As used in thissection, the term "parent" means the parent, guardian, or personstanding in loco parentis. (2005‑276, s. 10.59F(g); 2005‑345, s.20(d); 2006‑240, s. 1(a).)