§ 130A-354. Governing bodies for mosquito control districts.
§ 130A‑354. Governingbodies for mosquito control districts.
(a) A mosquito controldistrict shall be governed by a board of commissioners. In the case of adistrict lying wholly within a single county, the board shall be composed offive members, all of whom shall be residents of the district. Three of themembers shall be appointed by the county board of commissioners, one for aninitial term of one year, one for an initial term of two years and one for aninitial term of three years. All subsequent appointments made by the countyboard of commissioners shall be for terms of three years. One member shall beappointed by the Secretary and one member by the Director of the WildlifeResources Commission. These two appointees shall serve at the pleasure of theappointing authority. A vacancy shall be filled by the authority whichappointed the member creating the vacancy.
(b) In the case of adistrict lying in two or more counties, the Secretary shall appoint one memberand the Director of the Wildlife Commission shall appoint one member. The boardof commissioners of each county in which any part of the district lies shallappoint one member. In the event the district lies in only two counties, theboard of commissioners of the county in which a majority of the acreage of thedistrict lies shall appoint two members, one for an initial term of one yearand the other for an initial term of two years. The other county shall appointone member for an initial term of three years. All succeeding terms of countyappointees shall be for three years. A vacancy shall be filled by the authoritywhich appointed the member creating the vacancy, and the appointees of theSecretary and the Director of the Wildlife Resources Commission shall holdoffice at the pleasure of the appointing authority.
(c) At its firstmeeting, the board shall elect a chairman, a vice‑chairman, a secretaryand a treasurer. The office of secretary and treasurer may be held by the samemember. All official acts done by the board shall be entered in a book ofminutes to be kept by the secretary. The board shall meet at least quarterlyand may meet in a special meeting at any time upon call of the chairman or anytwo members, and upon notice of the time, place and purpose of the meeting ofnot less than three days. Before entering upon the discharge of their duties,each member shall take and subscribe an oath of office as follows and the oathshall be entered in the minute book:
"I, ________, do solemnlyswear that I will well and truly perform my duties as a Commissioner of the________ Mosquito Control District.
Affirmed and subscribed beforeme this ____ day of _____ _____
Signatureof Officer Administering Oath."
(1957, c. 1247, s. 3; 1973, c. 476, s. 128; 1983, c.891, s. 2; 1999‑456, s. 59.)