§ 130A-309.90. (Effective July 1, 2010) Findings.
Part 2E. Discarded ComputerEquipment and Television Management.
§ 130A‑309.90. (Effective July 1, 2010) Findings.
The General Assembly findsthat:
(1) The computerequipment and television waste stream is growing rapidly in volume andcomplexity and can introduce toxic materials into solid waste landfills.
(2) It is in the bestinterests of the citizens of this State to have convenient, simple, and free orlow‑cost access to recycling services for discarded computer equipmentand televisions.
(3) Collection programsoperated by manufacturers, and local government and nonprofit agencies are anefficient way to divert discarded computer equipment and televisions fromdisposal and to provide recycling services to all citizens of this State.
(4) The development oflocal and nonprofit collection programs is hindered by the high costs ofrecycling and transporting discarded computer equipment and televisions.
(5) No comprehensivesystem currently exists, either provided by electronics manufacturers,retailers, or others, to adequately serve all citizens of the State and todivert large quantities of discarded computer equipment and televisions fromdisposal.
(6) Manufacturerresponsibility is an effective way to ensure that manufacturers of computerequipment take part in a solution to the electronic waste problem.
(7) The recycling ofcertain discarded computer equipment and televisions recovers valuablematerials for reuse and will create jobs and expand the tax base of the State.
(8) While some computersand computer monitors can be refurbished and reused and other consumerelectronics products contain valuable materials, some older and bulkierconsumer electronic products, including some televisions, may not contain anyvaluable products but should nevertheless be recycled to prevent the release oftoxic substances to the environment.
(9) For the productscovered by this Part, differences in product life expectancy, market economics,residual value, and product portability necessitate different approaches torecycling.
(10) In order to ensurethat end‑of‑life computer equipment and televisions are responsiblyrecycled, to promote conservation, and to protect public health and theenvironment, a comprehensive and convenient system for recycling and reuse ofcertain electronic equipment should be established on the basis of sharedresponsibility among manufacturers, retailers, consumers, and the State. (2007‑550, s. 16.1(a);2008‑198, s. 11.4; 2008‑208, ss. 1, 7; 2009‑484, s. 16(a),(b); 2009‑550, s. 10(a), (b).)