§ 130A-257. Rules of the Commission.
§130A‑257. Rules of the Commission.
For the protection of thepublic health, safety and welfare of those attending mass gatherings and ofother persons who may be affected by mass gatherings, the Commission shalladopt rules to carry out the provisions of this Part and to establishrequirements for the provision of facilities and services at mass gatherings.The rules shall include, but not be limited to, the establishment ofrequirements as follows:
(1) General requirementsrelating to minimum size of activity area including camping and parking space,distance of activity area from dwellings, distance from public water suppliesand watersheds and an adequate command post for use by personnel of health, law‑enforcementand other governmental agencies;
(2) Adequate ingress andegress roads, parking facilities and entrances and exits to public highways;
(3) Plans for limitingattendance and crowd control, dust control and rapid emergency evacuation;
(4) Medical care,including facilities, services and personnel;
(5) Sanitary watersupply, source and distribution; toilet facilities; sewage disposal; solidwaste collection and disposal; food dispensing; insect and rodent control; andpost‑gathering cleanup; and
(6) Noise level atperimeter; lighting and signs. (1971, c. 712, s. 1; 1973, c.476, s. 128; 1983, c. 891, s. 2.)