§ 130A-131.25. Office of Women's Health established.
Part 8. Office of Women's Health.
§ 130A‑131.25. Officeof Women's Health established.
(a) There isestablished in the Department the Office of Women's Health. The purpose of theoffice is to expand the State's public health concerns and focus to include acomprehensive outlook on the overall health status of women. The primary goalsof the Office shall be the prevention of disease and improvement in the qualityof life for women over their entire lifespan. The Department shall developstrategies for achieving these goals, which shall include but not be limitedto:
(1) Developing astrategic plan to improve public services and programs targeting women;
(2) Conducting policyanalyses on specific issues related to women's health;
(3) Facilitatingcommunication among the Department's programs and between the Department andexternal women's health groups and community‑based organizations;
(4) Building publichealth awareness and capacity regarding women's health issues by providing aseries of services including evaluation, recommendation, technical assistance,and training; and
(5) Developinginitiatives for modification or expansion of women‑oriented services withthe intent of establishing meaningful public/private partnerships in thefuture.
(b) The Office shallstudy the feasibility of establishing initiatives for:
(1) Early interventionservices for women infected with HIV; and
(2) Outreach, treatment,and follow‑up services to women at high risk for contracting sexuallytransmitted diseases.
In conducting the study theDepartment shall take into consideration related services already in place inthe Department and at the local level. (1997‑172, s. 2.)