§ 122C-2. Policy.
§ 122C‑2. Policy.
The policy of the State is toassist individuals with needs for mental health, developmental disabilities,and substance abuse services in ways consistent with the dignity, rights, andresponsibilities of all North Carolina citizens. Within available resources itis the obligation of State and local government to provide mental health,developmental disabilities, and substance abuse services through a deliverysystem designed to meet the needs of clients in the least restrictive, therapeuticallymost appropriate setting available and to maximize their quality of life. It isfurther the obligation of State and local government to provide community‑basedservices when such services are appropriate, unopposed by the affectedindividuals, and can be reasonably accommodated within available resources andtaking into account the needs of other persons for mental health, developmentaldisabilities, and substance abuse services.
State and local governmentsshall develop and maintain a unified system of services centered in areaauthorities or county programs. The public service system will strive toprovide a continuum of services for clients while considering the availabilityof services in the private sector. Within available resources, State and localgovernment shall ensure that the following core services are available:
(1) Screening,assessment, and referral.
(2) Emergency services.
(3) Servicecoordination.
(4) Consultation,prevention, and education.
Within available resources,the State shall provide funding to support services to targeted populations,except that the State and counties shall provide matching funds for entitlementprogram services as required by law.
As used in this Chapter, thephrase "within available resources" means State funds appropriatedand non‑State funds and other resources appropriated, allocated orotherwise made available for mental health, developmental disabilities, andsubstance abuse services.
The furnishing of services toimplement the policy of this section requires the cooperation and financialassistance of counties, the State, and the federal government. (1977, c. 568, s. 1; 1979, c.358, s. 1; 1983, c. 383, s. 1; 1985, c. 589, s. 2; c. 771; 1989, c. 625, s. 2;2001‑437, s. 1.1.)