§ 122C-111. Administration.
Part 2. State, County and AreaAuthority.
§ 122C‑111. Administration.
The Secretary shall administerand enforce the provisions of this Chapter and the rules of the Commission andshall operate State facilities. An area director or program director shall (i)manage the public mental health, developmental disabilities, and substanceabuse system for the area authority or county program according to the localbusiness plan, and (ii) enforce applicable State laws, rules of the Commission,and rules of the Secretary. The Secretary in cooperation with area and countyprogram directors and State facility directors shall provide for thecoordination of public services between area authorities, county programs, andState facilities. The area authority or county program shall monitor theprovision of mental health, developmental disabilities, and substance abuseservices for compliance with the law, which monitoring and management shall notsupersede or duplicate the regulatory authority or functions of agencies of theDepartment. (1963,c. 1166, s. 3; 1973, c. 476, s. 133; 1985, c. 589, s. 2; 2001‑437, s.1.6; 2002‑164, s. 4.2; 2006‑142, s. 4(b).)