§ 122C-11. (This article has a contingent effective date - see notes) MH/DD/SA Consumer Advocacy Program/definitions.
§ 122C‑11. (Thisarticle has a contingent effective date see notes) MH/DD/SA Consumer AdvocacyProgram/definitions.
Unless the context clearlyrequires otherwise, as used in this Article:
(1) "MH/DD/SA"means mental health, developmental disabilities, and substance abuse.
(2) "State ConsumerAdvocate" means the individual charged with the duties and functions ofthe State MH/DD/SA Consumer Advocacy Program established under this Article.
(3) "State ConsumerAdvocacy Program" means the State MH/DD/SA Consumer Advocacy Program.
(4) "Local ConsumerAdvocate" means an individual employed and certified by the State ConsumerAdvocate to perform the duties and functions of the MH/DD/SA Local ConsumerAdvocacy Program in accordance with this Article.
(5) "Local ConsumerAdvocacy Program" means a local MH/DD/SA Local Consumer Advocacy Program.
(6) "Consumer"means an individual who is a client or a potential client of public servicesfrom a State or area facility. (2001‑437, s. 2; 2002‑126, s. 10.30; 2003‑284,s. 10.10; 2005‑276, s. 10.27.)