§ 120C-800. Reportable expenditures made by persons exempted or not covered by this Chapter.

Article 8.


§ 120C‑800.  Reportableexpenditures made by persons exempted or not covered by this Chapter.

(a)        If a designatedindividual accepts a reportable expenditure made for the purpose of lobbyingwith a total value of over two hundred dollars ($200.00) per calendar quarterfrom a person or group of persons acting together, exempted or not otherwisecovered by this Chapter, the person, or group of persons, making the reportableexpenditure shall report the date, a description of the reportable expenditure,the name and address of the person, or group of persons, making the reportableexpenditure, the name of the designated individual accepting the reportableexpenditure, and the estimated fair market value, or face value if shown, of thereportable expenditure.

(b)        If the personmaking the reportable expenditure in subsection (a) of this section is outsideNorth Carolina, and the designated individual accepting the reportableexpenditure is also outside North Carolina at the time the designatedindividual accepts the reportable expenditure, then the designated individualaccepting the reportable expenditure shall be responsible for filing the reportor reporting the information in the designated individual's statement ofeconomic interest in accordance with G.S. 138A‑24(a)(2).

(c)        If a designatedindividual accepts a scholarship related to that designated individual's publicservice or position valued over two hundred dollars ($200.00) from a person, orgroup of persons, acting together, exempted or not covered by this Chapter, theperson, or group of persons, granting the scholarship shall report the date ofthe scholarship, a description of the event involved, the name and address ofthe person, or group of persons, granting the scholarship, the name of thedesignated individual accepting the scholarship, and the estimated fair marketvalue.

(d)        If the persongranting the scholarship in subsection (c) of this section is outside NorthCarolina, the designated individual accepting the scholarship shall beresponsible for filing the report or reporting the information in thedesignated individual's statement of economic interest in accordance with G.S.138A‑24(a)(2).

(e)        This section shallnot apply to any of the following:

(1)        Lawful campaign contributionsproperly received and reported as required under Article 22A of Chapter 163 ofthe General Statutes.

(2)        Any reportableexpenditure from a designated individual's extended family member to adesignated individual.

(3)        Reportableexpenditures associated primarily with the designated individual's employmentor that designated individual's immediate family member's employment.

(4)        Reportableexpenditures, other than food, beverages, travel, and lodging, which arereceived from a person who is a citizen of a country other than the UnitedStates or a state other than North Carolina and given during a ceremonialpresentation or as a custom.

(5)        A thing of valuethat is paid for by the State.

(6)        A scholarship paidfor by a nonpartisan state, regional, national, or international legislativeorganization of which the General Assembly is a member or a legislator orlegislative employee is a member or participant of by virtue of thatlegislator's or legislative employee's public position, or to an affiliatedorganization of that nonpartisan state, regional, national, or internationalorganization.

(f)         Within 15 businessdays after the end of the quarter in which the reportable expenditure was made,reports required by this section shall be filed with the Secretary of State ina manner prescribed by the Secretary of State, which may include electronicreports. If the designated individual is required to file a statement ofeconomic interest under G.S. 138A‑24, then that designated individual mayopt to report any information required by this section in the statement ofeconomic interest.

(g)        For purposes ofthis section, the term "scholarship" shall mean a grant‑in‑aidto attend a conference, meeting, or other similar event. For purposes of thissection only, the term "person" shall include all persons as definedin G.S. 138A‑3(27) and all governmental units as defined in G.S. 138A‑3(15d). (2005‑456,s. 1; 2006‑201, s. 18; 2007‑348, s. 17; 2008‑213, ss. 37,38(a), 39; 2009‑549, s. 7(b).)