§ 120-232. Committee membership; terms; organization; vacancies.
§ 120‑232. Committeemembership; terms; organization; vacancies.
(a) The Committee shallconsist of 16 members as follows:
(1) Eight members of theSenate at the time of their appointment, appointed by the President Pro Temporeof the Senate. At least two appointees shall be members of the SenateAppropriations Committee.
(2) Eight members of theHouse of Representatives at the time of their appointment, appointed by theSpeaker of the House of Representatives. At least two appointees shall bemembers of the House of Representatives Appropriations Committee.
(3), (4) Repealed bySession Laws 2004‑129, s. 7A(d), effective July 1, 2004.
(b) Members of theCommittee shall serve terms of two years beginning at the convening of theGeneral Assembly in each odd‑numbered year, with no prohibition againstbeing reappointed, except initial appointments shall begin on appointment andend on the day of convening of the 2005 General Assembly.
(c) Members maycomplete a term of service on the Committee even if they do not seek reelectionor are not reelected, but resignation or removal from service constitutesresignation or removal from service on the Committee.
(d) The President ProTempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives shalleach select a legislative member from their appointees to serve as cochair ofthe Committee.
(e) The Committee shallmeet at least once a quarter and may meet at other times upon the call of thecochairs. A majority of the members of the Committee shall constitute a quorumfor the transaction of business. The affirmative vote of a majority of themembers present at meetings of the Committee shall be necessary for action tobe taken by the Committee.
(f) All members shallserve at the will of their appointing officer. A member continues to serveuntil the member's successor is appointed. A vacancy shall be filled within 30days by the officer who made the original appointment. (1999‑237, s. 22(a);2001‑486, s. 2.7; 2004‑129, s. 7A(d).)