§ 119-2. Brand or trade name of lubricating oil to be displayed.
§ 119‑2. Brand ortrade name of lubricating oil to be displayed.
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to sell, offerfor sale or delivery, or to cause or permit to be sold, offered for sale ordelivery, any oil represented as lubricating oil for internal combustionengines unless there shall be firmly attached to or painted at or near thepoint or outlet from which said oil represented as lubricating oil for internalcombustion engines is drawn or poured out for sale or delivery, a sign or labelconsisting of the word or words in at all times legible letters not less thanone‑half inch in height comprising the brand or trade name of saidlubricating oil: Provided, that if any of said lubricating oil shall have nobrand or trade name, the above required sign or label shall consist of thewords in letters not less than three inches high, "Lubricating Oil NoBrand." (1927, c. 174, s.2.)