§ 117-18. Specific grant of powers.
§ 117‑18. Specific grant of powers.
Subject only to the Constitution of the State, a corporation createdunder the provisions of this Article shall have power to do any and all acts orthings necessary or convenient for carrying out the purpose for which it wasformed, including, but not limited to:
(1) To sue and be sued.
(2) To have a seal and alter the same at pleasure.
(3) To acquire, hold and dispose of property, real and personal,tangible and intangible, or interests therein, and to pay therefor in cash oron credit, and to secure and procure payment of all or any part of the purchaseprice thereof on such terms and conditions as the board shall determine.
(4) To render service and to acquire, own, operate, maintain andimprove a system or systems.
(5) To pledge all or any part of its revenue or mortgage orotherwise encumber all or any part of its property for the purpose of securingthe payment of the principal of and interest on any of its obligations.
(6) The right to apply to the North Carolina RuralElectrification Authority for permission to construct or place any parts of itssystem or lines in and along any State highway or over any lands that are now,or may be, the property of this State, or any political subdivision thereof. Inall questions involving the right‑of‑way, or the right of eminentdomain, the rulings of the North Carolina Rural Electrification Authority arefinal. Notwithstanding the foregoing sentence and notwithstanding subdivision(7) of G.S. 117‑2, electric membership corporations may, withoutnecessity of the Authority's rulings or participation, exercise the right ofeminent domain for the purposes of constructing, operating and maintainingelectric generating, transmission, distribution and related facilities,individually and solely in their own names, pursuant to the provisions ofChapter 40A of the General Statutes; provided, that notwithstanding G.S. 117‑30,the foregoing grant of the power of eminent domain to electric membershipcorporations shall not apply to telephone membership corporations; and,provided further, that the grant of the power of eminent domain issupplementary to the power of eminent domain already devolved upon theAuthority.
(7) To accept gifts or grants of money, property, real orpersonal, from any person or federal agency, and to accept voluntary anduncompensated services.
(8) To make any and all contracts necessary or convenient forthe full exercise of the powers in this Article granted, including, but notlimited to, contracts with any person or federal agency, for the purchase orsale of energy; for the management and conduct of the business of thecorporation, including the regulation of the rates, fees or charges for servicerendered by the corporation.
(9) To sell, lease, mortgage or otherwise encumber or dispose ofall or any part of its property, as hereinafter provided.
(10) To contract debts, borrow money, and to issue or assume thepayment of bonds.
(11) To fix, maintain and collect fees, rents, tolls and othercharges for service rendered.
(12) To perform any and all of the foregoing acts and to do anyand all of the foregoing things under, through or by means of its own officers,agents and employees, or by contracts with any person or federal agency.
(13) To extend, construct, operate and maintain power lines intoadjacent states.
(14) As to electric membership corporations, to conduct theactivities permitted by G.S. 117‑18.1. (1935, c. 291, s. 13; 1941, c. 335; 1975, c. 141; 1999‑180, s. 1;2001‑487, s. 38(f).)