§ 116-43.10. Academic Common Market program.
§ 116‑43.10. Academic Common Market program.
(a) The Southern Regional Education Board operates an AcademicCommon Market program. Under this program, qualified students fromparticipating states may apply to attend programs at public universities inparticipating states that are not available in their home state's universitysystem. North Carolina's participation for graduate programs provides a cost‑effectivemeans of offering educational access for North Carolina residents. NorthCarolinians are able to attend graduate programs that are not available at TheUniversity of North Carolina at reduced rates, and the State avoids the costassociated with the development of new academic programs.
(b) The Board of Governors of The University of North Carolinamay continue participation in the Southern Regional Education Board's AcademicCommon Market at the graduate program level. The Board of Governors shallexamine the graduate programs offered in The University of North CarolinaSystem and select for participation only those graduate programs that arelikely to be unique or are not commonly available in other Southern RegionalEducation Board states. Out‑of‑state tuition shall be waived forstudents who are residents of other Southern Regional Education Board statesand who are participating in the Academic Common Market program. If acceptedinto The University of North Carolina graduate programs that are part of theAcademic Common Market, these students shall pay in‑State tuition andshall be treated for all purposes of The University of North Carolina asresidents of North Carolina.
(c) Once a student is enrolled in The University of NorthCarolina System under the Academic Common Market program, the student shall beentitled to pay in‑State tuition as long as the student is enrolled inthat graduate program. The Board of Governors shall provide a report on theAcademic Common Market program to the Joint Legislative Education OversightCommittee by September 2007 and each biennium thereafter. (2005‑276, s. 9.24.)