§ 116-30.2. Appropriations to special responsibility constituent institutions.
§ 116‑30.2. Appropriations to special responsibility constituent institutions.
(a) All General Fundappropriations made by the General Assembly for continuing operations of aspecial responsibility constituent institution of The University of NorthCarolina shall be made in the form of a single sum to each budget code of theinstitution for each year of the fiscal period for which the appropriations arebeing made. Notwithstanding G.S. 143C‑6‑4 and G.S.120‑76(8),each special responsibility constituent institution may expend monies from theoverhead receipts special fund budget code and the General Fund monies soappropriated to it in the manner deemed by the Chancellor to be calculated tomaintain and advance the programs and services of the institutions, consistentwith the directives and policies of the Board of Governors. Specialresponsibility constituent institutions may transfer appropriations betweenbudget codes. These transfers shall be considered certified even if as a resultof agreements between special responsibility constituent institutions. Thepreparation, presentation, and review of General Fund budget requests ofspecial responsibility constituent institutions shall be conducted in the samemanner as are requests of other constituent institutions. The quarterlyallotment procedure established pursuant to G.S. 143C‑6‑3 shallapply to the General Fund appropriations made for the current operations ofeach special responsibility constituent institution. All General Fund monies soappropriated to each special responsibility constituent institution shall berecorded, reported, and audited in the same manner as are General Fundappropriations to other constituent institutions.
(b) Repealed by SessionLaws 2006‑66, s. 9.11(f), effective July 1, 2007.(1991, c. 689, s. 206.2(a);1993 (Reg. Sess., 1994), c. 591, s. 10(a); c. 769, s. 17.6(c); 1996, 2nd Ex.Sess., c. 18, s. 7.4(i); 1997‑443, s. 10.8; 2001‑449, s. 1; 2004‑124,s. 9.6; 2006‑66, ss. 9.8, 9.11(e), (f); 2006‑203, s. 42.)