§ 116-238.1. (Repealed effective July 1, 2014) Full tuition grant for graduates who attend a State university.
§ 116‑238.1. (Repealedeffective July 1, 2014) Full tuition grant for graduates who attend a Stateuniversity.
(a) There is granted toeach State resident who graduates from the North Carolina School of Science andMathematics and who enrolls as a full‑time student in a constituentinstitution of The University of North Carolina a sum to be determined by theGeneral Assembly as a tuition grant. The tuition grant shall be for fourconsecutive academic years and shall cover the tuition cost at the constituentinstitution in which the student is enrolled. The tuition grant shall bedistributed to the student as provided by this section. The grant provided bythis section is only available to a student enrolled at the North CarolinaSchool of Science and Mathematics for the 2008‑2009 academic year orearlier.
(b) The tuition grantsprovided for in this section shall be administered by the State EducationAssistance Authority pursuant to rules adopted by the State EducationAssistance Authority not inconsistent with this section. The State EducationAssistance Authority shall not approve any grant until it receives propercertification from the appropriate constituent institution that the studentapplying for the grant is an eligible student. Upon receipt of the certification,the State Education Assistance Authority shall remit at the times it prescribesthe grant to the constituent institution on behalf, and to the credit, of thestudent.
(c) In the event astudent on whose behalf a grant has been paid is not enrolled and carrying aminimum academic load as of the tenth classroom day following the beginning ofthe school term for which the grant was paid, the institution shall refund thefull amount of the grant to the State Education Assistance Authority.
(d) In the event thereare not sufficient funds to provide each eligible student with a full grant:
(1) The Board ofGovernors of The University of North Carolina, with the approval of the Officeof State Budget and Management, may transfer available funds to meet the needsof the programs provided by subsections (a) and (b) of this section; and
(2) Each eligiblestudent shall receive a pro rata share of funds then available for theremainder of the academic year within the fiscal period covered by the currentappropriation.
(e) Any remaining fundsshall revert to the General Fund.
(f) Notwithstandingany other provision of this section, no tuition grant awarded to a studentunder this section shall exceed the cost of attendance at the constituentinstitution at which the student is enrolled. If a student, who is eligible fora tuition grant under this subsection, also receives a scholarship or othergrant covering the cost of attendance at the constituent institution for whichthe tuition grant is awarded, then the amount of the tuition grant shall bereduced by an appropriate amount determined by the State Education AssistanceAuthority. The State Education Assistance Authority shall reduce the amount ofthe tuition grant so that the sum of all grants and scholarship aid coveringthe cost of attendance received by the student, including the tuition grantunder this section, shall not exceed the cost of attendance for the constituentinstitution at which the student is enrolled. The cost of attendance, as usedin this subsection, shall be determined by the State Education AssistanceAuthority for each constituent institution. (2003‑284, s. 9.4(a); 2004‑203, s. 47;2005‑276, s. 9.14(a); 2009‑451, s. 9.6(a), (b).)