§ 116-21.6. Private medical schools - medical student grants.
§ 116‑21.6. Privatemedical schools medical student grants.
(a) Funding for MedicalStudent Grants. Funds shall be appropriated each year in the CurrentOperations Appropriations Act to the Board of Governors of The University ofNorth Carolina to provide grants to medical students who are North Carolinaresidents and who enroll in and attend medical school at either Duke Universityor Wake Forest University.
(b) Student Eligibilityfor Grants. In addition to all other financial assistance made available tomedical students who are attending medical school at either Duke University orWake Forest University, there is awarded to each medical student who is a NorthCarolina resident and who is enrolled in and attending medical school at eitherDuke University or Wake Forest University a grant of five thousand dollars($5,000) for each academic year, which shall be disbursed as provided by thissection.
(c) Administration ofGrants. The grants provided for in this section shall be administered by theBoard of Governors pursuant to rules adopted by the Board of Governors notinconsistent with this section. The Board of Governors shall not approve anygrant until it receives proper certification from the appropriate medicalschool that the student applying for the grant is eligible. Upon receipt of thecertification, the Board of Governors shall remit at the times as it prescribesthe grant to the medical school on behalf, and to the credit, of the medicalstudent.
The Board of Governors shalladopt rules for determining which students are residents of North Carolina forthe purposes of these grants. The Board of Governors also shall make any rulesas necessary to ensure that these funds are used directly for instruction inthe medical programs of the schools and not for religious or other nonpublicpurposes. The Board of Governors shall encourage the two medical schools toorient students toward primary care, consistent with the directives of G.S. 143‑613(a).The two schools shall supply information necessary for the Board to comply withG.S. 143‑613(d).
(d) Medical StudentChange of Status. In the event a medical student on whose behalf a grant hasbeen paid in accordance with this section terminates his or her enrollment inmedical school, the medical school shall refund the full amount of the grant tothe Board of Governors.
(e) Authority toTransfer Funds if Appropriation Insufficient. If the funds appropriated inthe Current Operations Appropriations Act to the Board of Governors of TheUniversity of North Carolina for grants to students who are eligible for agrant under this section are insufficient to cover the enrolled students inaccordance with this section, then the Board of Governors may transfer unusedfunds from other programs in the Related Educational Programs budget code tocover the extra students.
(f) Reversions. Anyremaining funds shall revert to the General Fund.
(g) Document Number ofMedical School Graduates Who Remain in North Carolina. The Board of Governorsshall encourage Duke University School of Medicine and Wake Forest UniversitySchool of Medicine to document the number of graduates each year who eitherenter residencies or locate their practices in North Carolina and to reportthat information annually to the Board of Governors. The Board of Governorsshall report annually to the Joint Legislative Education Oversight Committeeregarding the information received from the two medical schools pursuant tothis subsection. (2009‑451,s. 9.15(b).)