§ 116-143.6. Full scholarship students attending constituent institutions.
§ 116‑143.6. Full scholarship studentsattending constituent institutions.
(a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, if the Board ofTrustees of a constituent institution of The University of North Carolinaelects to do so, it may by resolution adopted consider as residents of NorthCarolina all persons who receive full scholarships to the institution fromentities recognized by the institution and attend the institution asundergraduate students. The aforesaid persons shall be considered residents ofNorth Carolina for all purposes by The University of North Carolina.
(b) The following definitions apply in this section:
(1) "Full cost" means an amount calculated by theconstituent institution that is no less than the sum of tuition, required fees,and on‑campus room and board.
(2) "Full scholarship" means a grant that meets thefull cost for a student to attend the constituent institution for an academicyear.
(c) This section shall not be applied in any manner thatviolates federal law.
(d) This section shall be administered by the electingconstituent institution so as to have no fiscal impact.
(e) In administering this section, the electing constituentinstitution shall maintain at least the current number of North Carolinaresidents admitted to that constituent institution. (2005‑276, s. 9.27(a).)