§ 115D-34. Providing local public funds for institutions previously established.
§ 115D‑34. Providing local public funds for institutions previously established.
(a) For counties in which, immediately prior to the enactment ofthis Chapter, there was in operation or authorized a public community collegeor industrial education center which hereafter shall be operated pursuant tothe provisions of this Chapter, the following provisions shall apply inproviding local financial support for each such institution:
(1) Community colleges: The board of commissioners of a countyin which is located a public community college heretofore operated orauthorized to operate pursuant to Article 3, Chapter 116, of the GeneralStatutes of North Carolina, may continue to levy special taxes annually for thelocal financial support of the institution as a community college as providedin G.S. 115D‑32, to the maximum rate last approved by the voters of thecounty in accordance with the above Article. The board of commissioners mayalso provide all or part of such funds by appropriations, in a manner consistentwith the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act, from nontax revenues.The question of increasing the maximum annual rate of a special tax may besubmitted at an election held in accordance with the provisions of G.S. 115D‑33(d)and the appropriate provisions of G.S. 115D‑35.
(2) Industrial education centers: The board of commissioners ofa county in which is located an industrial education center heretofore operatedor authorized to operate as part of the public school system and which hereaftershall be operated as a community college as defined in this Chapter may levyspecial taxes annually at a rate sufficient to provide funds for the financialsupport of the institute or college as required by G.S. 115D‑32(a). Theboard of commissioners may also provide all or part of such funds byappropriations, in a manner consistent with the Local Government Budget andFiscal Control Act, from nontax revenues. The board of commissioners isauthorized to provide additional funds, either by special tax levies or byappropriations from nontax revenues, or both, to an amount equal to thatrequired to be provided above, for the purpose of supplementing the currentexpense budget of the institute or college financed from State funds.
(b) The board of commissioners of a county in which is locatedone of the above public community colleges or industrial education centers mayprovide funds for capital outlay for such institution by the issuance of bonds.All bonds shall be issued in accordance with the appropriate provisions of G.S.115D‑33 and 115D‑35.
(c) Public funds provided a community college or industrialeducation center prior to its becoming subject to the provisions of thisChapter and which remain to the credit of the institution upon its becomingsubject to these provisions shall be expended only for the purposes prescribedby law when such funds were provided the institution. (1963, c. 448, s. 23; 1965, c. 842, s. 1; 1979, c.462, s. 2; 1987, c. 564, ss. 20, 34.)