§ 115C-542. Maintenance of inspection and engineering service; cancellation of insurance.
§ 115C‑542. Maintenance of inspection and engineering service; cancellation of insurance.
The State Board of Education is authorized and empowered to maintain aninspection and engineering service deemed by it appropriate and necessary toreduce the hazards of fire in public school buildings insured in the Fund ashereinbefore provided, and to expend for such purpose not in excess of tenpercent (10%) of the annual premiums collected from the local schoolauthorities. The State Board of Education is hereby authorized and empowered tocancel any insurance on any school property when, in its opinion, because ofdilapidation and depreciation such property is no longer insurable. Beforecancellation, the local board of education shall be given at least 30 daysnotice, and in the event said property can be restored to insurable condition,the State Board of Education may make such orders with respect to thecontinuance of such coverage as may be deemed proper: Provided, that thefindings and results of the inspection of local school property by the agentsof the Board shall be reported to local boards of education and to the board ofcounty commissioners of such units as carry insurance with the State 30 daysbefore budget‑making time in order that all school property shall beproperly taken care of and made safe from fire hazards. (1955, c. 1372, art. 16, s. 8; 1981, c. 423, s. 1.)