§ 115C-384. Student records and fees.
Part 2. Student Records and Fees.
§ 115C‑384. Student records and fees.
(a) In General. The local board of education has the power toregulate fees, charges and solicitations subject to the provisions of G.S. 115C‑47(6).
(b) Refund of Fees upon Transfer of Pupils.
(1) As used in this subsection:
a. "Month" shall mean 20 school days.
b. "First semester" shall mean the first 90 teachingdays of the 180 days of the school year.
c. "Second semester" shall mean the last 90 teachingdays of the 180 days of the school year.
d. "Term" shall have the same meaning as that offirst semester or second semester.
(2) In all cases where pupils of a local school administrativeunit of the public school system transfer to some other public school inanother local school administrative unit or such pupils are compelled to leavethe school in which they are enrolled because of some serious or permanentillness, or for any other good and valid reason, then such pupils or theirparents shall be entitled to a refund of the fees and charges paid by them asfollows:
a. If the transfer or departureof the pupils from the school in which they are enrolled takes place within onemonth after enrollment, then all such fees and charges shall be refunded infull.
b. If the transfer or leavingthe school on the part of said pupils takes place after the first month andbefore the middle of the first semester, then one half of the fees for thefirst semester shall be refunded, and all fees and charges for the secondsemester shall be refunded.
c. If the pupils transfer orleave the school after the middle of the first semester, then no first semesterfees or charges shall be refunded.
d. If the fees and charges onthe part of such pupils have been paid for a year and such pupils transfer or leavethe school at the end of the first semester or within the first month of thesecond semester, then all second semester fees and charges shall be refunded infull.
e. If the fees and chargesherein described and set forth have been paid for one year, and the pupilstransfer or leave the school before the middle of the second semester, then onehalf of the second semester fees shall be refunded.
f. The words "fees"and "charges" as used in this subsection shall not include any feesor charges paid for insurance or fees charged for expendable materials.
g. If the pupils transfer orleave the school after the middle of the second semester, then no fees shall berefunded.
h. If the amount of total refundas determined by this subsection shall be less than one dollar ($1.00), norefund shall be paid.
(3) The principal shall be responsible for refunding fees andcharges at the place of the collection of the fees and charges by check madepayable to the parent or guardian of pupils leaving the school as noted insubdivision (2) above.
(c) Rental Fees for Textbooks Prohibited; Damage FeesAuthorized. No rental fees are permitted for the use of textbooks, but damagefees may be collected pursuant to the provisions of G.S. 115C‑100. (1969, c. 756; 1981, c. 423, s. 1.)