§ 115C-375.3. Guidelines to support and assist students with diabetes.
§ 115C‑375.3. Guidelines to support and assist students with diabetes.
Local boards of education andboards of directors of charter schools shall ensure that the guidelines adoptedby the State Board of Education under G.S. 115C‑12(31) are implemented inschools in which students with diabetes are enrolled. In particular, the boardsshall require the implementation of the procedures set forth in thoseguidelines for the development and implementation of individual diabetes careplans. The boards also shall make available necessary information and staffdevelopment to teachers and school personnel in order to appropriately supportand assist students with diabetes in accordance with their individual diabetescare plans. Local boards of education and boards of directors of charterschools shall report to the State Board of Education annually, on or beforeAugust 15, whether they have students with diabetes enrolled and provideinformation showing compliance with the guidelines adopted by the State Boardof Education under G.S. 115C‑12(31). These reports shall be in compliancewith the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, 20 U.S.C. § 1232g. (2005‑22, s. 3(a),(b); 2009‑563, s. 1.)