§ 115C-363.23A. Teaching Fellows Program established; administration.
§ 115C‑363.23A. Teaching Fellows Program established; administration.
(a) A Teaching FellowsProgram shall be administered by the North Carolina Teaching FellowsCommission. The Teaching Fellows Program shall be used to provide a four‑yearscholarship loan of six thousand five hundred dollars ($6,500) per year toNorth Carolina high school seniors interested in preparing to teach in thepublic schools of the State. The Commission shall adopt very stringentstandards, including minimum grade point average and scholastic aptitude testscores, for awarding these scholarship loans to ensure that only the best highschool seniors receive them.
(b) The Commissionshall administer the program in cooperation with teacher training institutionsselected by the Commission. Teaching Fellows should be exposed to a range ofextra‑curricular activities while in college. These activities should begeared to instilling a strong motivation not only to remain in teaching but toprovide leadership for tomorrow's schools.
(c) The Commissionshall form regional review committees to assist it in identifying the best highschool seniors for the program. The Commission and the review committees shallmake an effort to identify and encourage minority students and students who maynot otherwise consider a career in teaching to enter the program.
(d) All scholarshiploans shall be evidenced by notes made payable to the Commission that shallbear interest at the rate of ten percent (10%) per year beginning September 1after completion of the program, or immediately after termination of thescholarship loan, whichever is earlier. The scholarship loan may be terminatedby the recipient withdrawing from school or by the recipient not meeting thestandards set by the Commission.
(e) The Commissionshall forgive the loan if, within seven years after graduation, the recipientteaches for four years at a North Carolina public school or at a schooloperated by the United States government in North Carolina. The Commissionshall also forgive the loan if, within seven years after graduation, therecipient teaches for three consecutive years, unless the recipient takes anapproved leave of absence, at a North Carolina public school in a local schooladministrative unit that, at the time the recipient accepts employment with theunit, is a low‑performing school system identified in accordance withArticle 6A of this Chapter or is on warning status as defined by the StateBoard of Education. The Commission shall also forgive the loan if it finds thatit is impossible for the recipient to teach for four years, within seven yearsafter graduation, at a North Carolina public school or at a school operated bythe United States government in North Carolina, because of the death orpermanent disability of the recipient.
(f) All fundsappropriated to or otherwise received by the Teaching Fellows Program forscholarships, all funds received as repayment of scholarship loans, and allinterest earned on these funds, shall be placed in a revolving fund. Thisrevolving fund shall be used for scholarship loans granted under the TeachingFellows Program. With the prior approval of the General Assembly in the CurrentOperations Appropriations Act, the revolving fund may also be used for campusand summer program support, and costs related to disbursement of awards andcollection of loan repayments.
The Public School Forum, asadministrator for the Teaching Fellows Program, may use up to eight hundred tenthousand dollars ($810,000) annually from the fund balance for costs associatedwith administration of the Teaching Fellows Program.
(g) The State EducationAssistance Authority is responsible for the collection of a loan awarded underthis section if the loan repayment is outstanding for more than 30 days. (1985 (Reg. Sess., 1986), c.1014, s. 63(a); 1989 (Reg. Sess., 1990), c. 1066, s. 101(a), (b); 1991 (Reg.Sess., 1992), c. 1030, s. 29; 1993, c. 330, s. 1; 1998‑212, s. 9.19(a);1999‑237, s. 8.12; 2002‑126, ss. 9.2(c), (d); 2006‑66, s.7.19(a); 2007‑323, s. 7.25(a).)