§ 115C-340. Health insurance.
§ 115C‑340. Healthinsurance.
(a) The State Board of Education may authorize and empower anylocal board of education, the board of trustees of any community college, orother governing authority, within the State, to establish a voluntary payrolldeduction plan for premiums for any type of group insurance, including healthinsurance, established and authorized by the laws of this State.
(b) Any employee of any local board of education, any communitycollege, or of any educational association, may enter into a written agreementwith his employer for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of thissection. The State Board of Education is authorized and empowered to make andpromulgate rules and regulations to carry out the purposes of this section. (1969, c. 591; 1981, c. 423, s. 1; 1987, c. 564, ss.12, 16.)