§ 115C-335. Development of performance standards and criteria for certified employees; training and remediation programs.
§ 115C‑335. Development of performancestandards and criteria for certified employees; training and remediationprograms.
(a) Development of Performance Standards. The State Board, inconsultation with local boards of education, shall revise and develop uniformperformance standards and criteria to be used in evaluating certified publicschool employees, including school administrators. These standards and criteriashall include improving student achievement, employee skills, and employeeknowledge. The standards and criteria for school administrators also shallinclude building‑level gains in student learning and effectiveness inproviding for school safety and enforcing student discipline. The State Boardshall develop rules regarding the use of these standards and criteria. TheState Board also shall develop guidelines for evaluating superintendents. Theguidelines shall include criteria for evaluating a superintendent'seffectiveness in providing safe schools and enforcing student discipline.
(b) Training. The State Board, in collaboration with the Boardof Governors of The University of North Carolina, shall develop programsdesigned to train principals and superintendents in the proper administrationof the employee evaluations developed by the State Board. The Board ofGovernors shall use the professional development programs for public schoolemployees that are under its authority to make this training available to allprincipals and superintendents at locations that are geographically convenientto local school administrative units. The programs shall include methods todetermine whether an employee's performance has improved student learning, thedevelopment and implementation of appropriate action plans, the process forcontract nonrenewal, and the dismissal process under G.S. 115C‑325. TheBoard of Governors shall ensure that the subject matter of the trainingprograms is incorporated into the masters in school administration programsoffered by the constituent institutions. The State Board, in collaboration withthe Board of Governors, also shall develop in‑service programs forcertified public school employees that may be included in an action plancreated under G.S. 115C‑333(b). The Board of Governors shall use theprofessional development programs for public school employees that are underits authority to make this training available at locations that aregeographically convenient to local school administrative units. (1998‑5, s. 4.)