§ 115C-246. School bus routes.
§ 115C‑246. School bus routes.
(a) The superintendent of the local school administrative unitshall, prior to the commencement of each regular school year, prepare a planfor a definite route, including stops for receiving and discharging pupils, foreach school bus so as to assure the most efficient use of such bus and thesafety and convenience of the pupils assigned thereto. The superintendent may,in his discretion, obtain the advice of the State Board of Education withreference to the plan. The buses shall be operated upon the route soestablished and not otherwise, except as provided in this Article. From time totime the principal may suggest changes in any such bus route as he shall deemproper for the said purposes, and the same shall be effective when approved bythe superintendent of the local school administrative unit.
(b) Unless road or other conditions make it inadvisable, publicschool buses shall be routed on state‑maintained highways, municipalstreets, or other streets with publicly dedicated right‑of‑way. Thelocal board of education shall not be responsible for damage to the roadway.Each public school bus shall be routed so that the bus passes within one mileof the residence of each pupil assigned to that bus. A pupil who lives one andone‑half miles or more from the school to which the pupil is assignedshall be eligible for school bus transportation.
(c) All bus routes when established pursuant to this sectionshall be filed in the office of the board of education of the local school administrativeunit, and all changes made therein shall be filed in the office of such boardwithin 10 days after such change shall become effective.
(d) Repealed by Session Laws 1985 (Regular Session, 1986), c.975, s. 24.
(e) No provision of this Article shall be construed to placeupon the State, or upon any county or city, any duty to supply any funds forthe transportation of pupils, or any duty to supply funds for thetransportation of pupils who live within the corporate limits of the city ortown in which is located the public school in which such pupil is enrolled orto which such pupil is assigned, even though transportation to or from suchschool is furnished to pupils who live outside the limits of such city or town.(1955, c. 1372, art. 21, s. 7; 1959, c. 573, s. 15;1963, c. 990, ss. 2, 3; 1965, c. 1095, ss. 2, 3; 1981, c. 423, s. 1; 1985 (Reg.Sess., 1986), c. 975, s. 24; 1987, c. 827, s. 49; 1989 (Reg. Sess., 1990), c.1066, s. 96(b); 2005‑151, s. 1.)