§ 115C-238.54. Funds for programs.
§ 115C‑238.54. Funds for programs.
(a) The Department of Public Instruction shall assign a schoolcode for each program that is approved under this Part. All positions and otherState and federal allotments that are generated for this program shall be assignedto that school code. Notwithstanding G.S. 115C‑105.25, once funds areassigned to that school code, the local board of education may use these fundsfor the program and may transfer these funds between funding allotmentcategories.
(b) The local board of trustees may allocate State and federalfunds for a program that is approved under this Part.
(c) An education partner under G.S. 115C‑238.52 that is apublic body may allocate State, federal, and local funds for a program that isapproved under this Part.
(d) If not an education partner under G.S. 115C‑238.52, acounty board of commissioners in a county where a program is located maynevertheless appropriate funds to a program approved under this Part.
(e) The local board of education and the local board of trusteesare strongly encouraged to seek funds from sources other than State, federal,and local appropriations. They are strongly encouraged to seek funds theEducation Cabinet identifies or obtains under G.S. 116C‑4. (2003‑277, s. 2; 2005‑276, s. 7.33(a).)