§ 115C-16. Authorization for school uniform pilot program.
§ 115C‑16. Authorization for school uniform pilot program.
The State Board of Education may authorize up to five local schooladministrative units to implement pilot programs in which students are requiredto wear uniforms in public schools.
Prior to selecting the pilot units, the State Board of Education shalldevelop guidelines for local boards of education to use when establishingrequirements for students to wear uniforms in public schools. In developingthese guidelines, the State Board shall consider (i) ways to promote parentaland community involvement in the pilot programs, (ii) relevant State andfederal constitutional concerns such as freedom of religion and freedom ofspeech, and (iii) the ability of students to purchase the uniforms.
Local boards in the pilot units shall establish requirements,consistent with the State Board's guidelines, for students enrolled in any oftheir schools to wear uniforms at school during the regular school day.
No State funds shall be used for the uniforms. (1995, c. 334, s. 1.)