§ 115C-11. Organization and internal procedures of Board.
§ 115C‑11. Organization and internal proceduresof Board.
(a) Presiding Officer. The State Board of Education shallelect from its membership a chairman and vice‑chairman. A majority of theBoard shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Per diem andexpenses of the appointive members of the Board shall be provided by theGeneral Assembly. The chairman of the Board shall preside at all meetings ofthe Board. In the absence of the chairman, the vice‑chairman shallpreside; in the absence of both the chairman and the vice‑chairman, theBoard shall name one of its own members as chairman pro tempore.
(a1) Student advisors. The Governor is hereby authorized toappoint two high school students who are enrolled in the public schools ofNorth Carolina as advisors to the State Board of Education. The studentadvisors shall participate in State Board deliberations in an advisory capacityonly. The State Board may, in its discretion, exclude the student advisors fromexecutive sessions.
The Governor shall make initial appointments of student advisors to theState Board as follows:
(1) One high school junior shall be appointed for a two‑yearterm beginning September 1, 1986, and expiring June 14, 1988; and
(2) One high school senior shall be appointed for a one‑yearterm beginning September 1, 1986, and expiring June 14, 1987. When an initialor subsequent term expires, the Governor shall appoint a high school junior fora two‑year term beginning June 15 of that year. If a student advisor isno longer enrolled in the public schools of North Carolina or if a vacancyotherwise occurs, the Governor shall appoint a student advisor for theremainder of the unexpired term.
Student advisors shall receive per diem and necessary travel andsubsistence expenses in accordance with the provisions of G.S. 138‑5.
(a2) State Teacher of the Year Advisor. Each State Teacher ofthe Year, as designated by the Department of Public Instruction, shall serve exofficio as advisor to the State Board of Education. Each State Teacher of theYear shall begin service as advisory member to the State Board at thecommencement of the teacher's term as State Teacher of the Year and shall servefor two years. The State Teachers of the Year shall participate in State Boarddeliberations and committee meetings in an advisory capacity only. The StateBoard may, in its discretion, exclude the State Teachers of the Year fromexecutive sessions.
In the event a vacancy occurs in the State Teacher of the Year'sadvisory position, the teacher who was next runner‑up to that StateTeacher of the Year shall serve as the advisory member to the Board for theremainder of the unexpired term. The State Teacher of the Year advisors to theState Board shall receive per diem and necessary travel and subsistenceexpenses in accordance with the provisions of G.S. 138‑5.
(a3) Superintendent Advisor. The Governor shall appoint asuperintendent of a local school administrative unit as an advisor to the StateBoard of Education. The superintendent advisor shall serve for a term of oneyear. The superintendent advisor shall participate in State Board deliberationsand committee meetings in an advisory capacity only. The State Board may, inits discretion, exclude the superintendent advisor from executive sessions.
In the event that a superintendent advisor ceases to be asuperintendent in a local school administrative unit, the position ofsuperintendent advisor shall be deemed vacant. In the event that a vacancyoccurs in the position for whatever reason, the Governor shall appoint asuperintendent advisor for the remainder of the unexpired term. Thesuperintendent advisor to the State Board shall receive per diem and necessarytravel and subsistence expenses in accordance with the provisions of G.S. 138‑5.
(a4) State Principal of the Year Advisor. Each State Principalof the Year, as designated by the Department of Public Instruction, shall serveex officio as an advisor to the State Board of Education. Each State Principalof the Year shall begin service as an advisory member to the State Board at thecommencement of the principal's term as State Principal of the Year and shallserve for one year. The State Principal of the Year shall participate in StateBoard deliberations and committee meetings in an advisory capacity only. TheState Board may, in its discretion, exclude the State Principal of the Yearfrom executive sessions.
In the event a vacancy occurs in the State Principal of the Year'sadvisory position, the principal who was next runner‑up to that StatePrincipal of the Year shall serve as the advisory member to the State Board forthe remainder of the unexpired term. The State Principal of the Year advisor tothe State Board shall receive per diem and necessary travel and subsistenceexpenses in accordance with the provisions of G.S. 138‑5.
(a5) Local Board of Education Advisor. The current RaleighDingman Award winner shall serve as an advisor to the State Board of Education.The local board of education advisor shall serve for a term of one year. Thelocal board of education advisor shall participate in State Board deliberationsand committee meetings in an advisory capacity only. The State Board may, inits discretion, exclude the local board of education advisor from executivesessions.
In the event that the Raleigh Dingman Award winner ceases to be a localboard of education member or notifies the State Board of Education that he orshe is unable to fulfill his or her duties as a local board of educationadvisor member, the position of local board of education member shall be deemedvacant. In the event that a vacancy occurs in the position for whatever reason,the President of the North Carolina School Boards Association shall serve asthe advisory member to the State Board for the remainder of the unexpired term.The local board of education advisor to the State Board shall receive per diemand necessary travel and subsistence expenses in accordance with the provisionsof G.S. 138‑5.
(b) Regular Meetings of Board. The regular meetings of the Boardshall be held each month on a day certain, as determined by the Board. TheBoard shall determine the hour of the meeting, which may be adjourned from dayto day, or to a day certain, until the business before the Board has beencompleted.
(b1) Annual meeting with the State Board of Community Colleges andthe Board of Governors of The University of North Carolina. The State Board ofEducation shall meet with the State Board of Community Colleges and the Boardof Governors of The University of North Carolina at least once a year todiscuss educational matters of mutual interest and to recommend to the GeneralAssembly such policies as are appropriate to encourage the improvement ofpublic education at every level in this State. The meeting in 1987 and everythree years thereafter shall be hosted by the University Board of Governors,the meeting in 1988 and every three years thereafter shall be hosted by theState Board of Education, and the meeting in 1989 and every three yearsthereafter shall be hosted by the State Board of Community Colleges.
(c) Special Meetings. Special meetings of the Board may be setat any regular meeting or may be called by the chairman or by the secretaryupon the approval of the chairman: Provided, a special meeting shall be calledby the chairman upon the request of any five members of the Board. In case ofregular meetings and special meetings, the secretary shall give notice to eachmember, in writing, of the time and purpose of the meeting, by letter directedto each member at his home post‑office address. Such notice must bedeposited in the Raleigh Post Office at least three days prior to the date ofmeeting.
(d) Voting. No voting by proxy shall be permitted. Except invoting on textbook adoptions, all voting shall be viva voce unless a recordvote or secret ballot is demanded by any member, and a majority of thosepresent and voting shall be necessary to carry a motion.
(e) Voting on Adoption of Textbooks. A majority vote of thewhole membership of the Board shall be required to adopt textbooks, and a rollcall vote shall be had on each motion for such adoption or adoptions. A recordof all such votes shall be kept in the minute book.
(f) Committees. The Board may create from its membership suchcommittees as it deems necessary to facilitate its business. The chairman ofthe Board shall with approval of the majority of the Board appoint members tothe several committees authorized by the Board and to any additional committeeswhich the chairman may deem to be appropriate.
(g) Record of Proceedings. All of the proceedings of the Boardshall be recorded in a well‑bound and suitable book, which shall be keptin the office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, and open to publicinspection.
(h) Rules and Regulations. The Board shall adopt reasonablerules and regulations not inconsistent herewith, to govern its proceedingswhich the Board may amend from time to time, which rules and regulations shallbecome effective when filed as provided by law: Provided, however, a motion tosuspend the rules so adopted shall require a consent of two‑thirds of themembers. The rules and regulations shall include, but not be limited to,clearly defined procedures for electing the officers of the State Boardreferred to in G.S. 115C‑11(a), fixing the term of said officers,specifying how the voting shall be carried out, and establishing a date whenthe first election shall be held. (1955, c. 1372,art. 2, s. 1; 1959, c. 573, s. 19; 1971, c. 704, s. 3; 1975, c. 699, s. 1;1981, c. 423, s. 1; 1985 (Reg. Sess., 1986), c. 991, s. 1; 1987 (Reg. Sess.,1988), c. 1102, s. 1; 1989, c. 720; 2003‑306, s. 1.)