§ 115C-102.6A. Elements of the State school technology plan.
§ 115C‑102.6A. Elementsof the State school technology plan.
(a) The State schooltechnology plan shall be a comprehensive State implementation plan for usingfunds from the State School Technology Fund and other sources to improvestudent performance in the public schools through the use of learning andinstructional management technologies. The purpose of the plan shall be toprovide a cost‑effective foundation of flexible technology andinfrastructure to promote substantial gains in student achievement.
(b) Repealed by SessionLaws 2009‑451, s. 7.31, effective July 1, 2009.
(c) Components of theState school technology plan shall include at least the following:
(1) Common technicalstandards and uniform practices and procedures that provide statewide economiesof scale in procurements, training, support, planning, and operations.
(2) Conceptual technicalarchitecture that includes:
a. Principles Statementsof direction, goals, and concepts to guide the development of technicalarchitecture;
b. Standards forinteroperability Detailed specifications to ensure hardware, software,databases, and other products that may have been developed independently orpurchased from different vendors or manufacturers will work together, to theextent that interoperability facilitates meeting instructional oradministrative goals; and
c. Implementationstrategies Approaches or guidelines for developing and installing thecomponents of the technical infrastructure.
(3) A quality assurancepolicy for all school technology projects, training programs, systemsdocumentation, and maintenance plans.
(4) Policies andprocedures for the fair and competitive procurement of school technology thatprovide local school administrative units with a vendor‑neutral operatingenvironment in which different school technology hardware, software, andnetworks operate together easily and reliably, to the extent feasibleconsistent with meeting instructional or administrative goals. The operatingenvironment includes all hardware and software components and configurationsnecessary to accomplish the integrated functions for school technology such as(i) types and sizes of computer platforms, telecommunications equipment, andassociated communications protocols; (ii) operating systems for the computerprocessors; (iii) applications and other operating and support software; and(iv) other equipment, items, and software, such as printers, terminals, dataand image storage devices, and other input, output, and storage devices.
(5) A comprehensive policyfor inventory control.
(6) Parameters forcontinuous, ongoing training for all personnel involved in the use of schooltechnology. Training shall focus on the integration of technology andinstruction and on the use of particular applications.
(7) Recommendations tothe State Board of Education of requirements for preservice teacher training onthe integration of teaching and school technology.
(8) Proposals forleadership training on the use of school technology to improve instruction andas a management tool.
(9) Development ofexpertise at the State and regional levels on school technology.
(10) Flexibility to enablelocal school administrative units and individual schools to meet individualschool unit and building needs.
(11) Flexibility to meet theneeds of all students, allow support to students with a wide range ofabilities, and ensure access to challenging curricula and instruction forchildren at risk of school failure.
(12) Use of technologiesto support challenging State, federal, and local educational performance goals.
(13) Effective andintegrated use of technologies compatible with (i) the standard course ofstudy, (ii) the State assessment program, and (iii) related student datamanagement.
(14) Use of technologiesas a communication, instructional, and management tool and for problem‑solving,exploration, and advanced skills.
(15) Proposals foraddressing equipment needs for State curricula areas.
(16) Specifications forminimum components of local school system technology plans.
(17) A baseline templatefor:
a. Technology andservice application infrastructure, including broadband connectivity, personnelrecommendations, and other resources needed to operate effectively from theclassroom desktop to local, regional, and State networks, and
b. An evaluationcomponent that provides for local school administrative unit accountability formaintaining quality upgradeable systems. (1993 (Reg. Sess., 1994), c. 769, s. 19.26(b); 2005‑276,s. 7.43(a); 2009‑451, s. 7.31.)