§ 115B-1. Definitions.

Chapter 115B.

Tuition and Fee Waivers.

§ 115B‑1.  Definitions.

The following definitionsapply in this Chapter:

(1)        Employer. – TheState of North Carolina and its departments, agencies, and institutions; or acounty, city, town, or other political subdivision of the State.

(2)        Firefighter orvolunteer firefighter. – The same as provided in G.S. 58‑86‑25 for"eligible firemen".

(3)        Law enforcementofficer. – An employee or volunteer of an employer who possesses the power ofarrest, who has taken the law enforcement oath administered under the authorityof the State as prescribed by G.S. 11‑11, and who is certified as a lawenforcement officer under the provisions of Chapter 17C of the General Statutesor certified as a deputy sheriff under the provisions of Chapter 17E of theGeneral Statutes. "Law enforcement officer" also means the sheriff ofthe county.

(4)        Permanently andtotally disabled as a direct result of a traumatic injury sustained in the lineof duty. – A person: (i) who as a law enforcement officer, firefighter,volunteer firefighter, or rescue squad worker suffered a disabling injury whilein active service or training for active service, (ii) who at the time ofactive service or training was a North Carolina resident, and (iii) who hasbeen determined to be permanently and totally disabled for compensationpurposes by the North Carolina Industrial Commission.

(5)        Rescue squad worker.– The same as provided in G.S. 58‑86‑30 for "eligible rescuesquad worker".

(6)        Survivor. – Anyperson whose parent or spouse: (i) was a law enforcement officer, afirefighter, a volunteer firefighter, or a rescue squad worker, (ii) was killedwhile in active service or training for active service or died as a result of aservice‑connected disability, and (iii) at the time of active service ortraining was a North Carolina resident. The term does not include the widow orwidower of a law enforcement officer, firefighter, volunteer firefighter, or arescue squad worker if the widow or widower has remarried.

(7)        Tuition. – Theamount charged for registering for a credit hour of instruction and shall notbe construed to mean any other fees or charges or costs of textbooks. (1975, c. 606, s. 1; 1977, c.981, s. 1; 1997‑505, s. 2; 2003‑230, s. 1.)