§ 114-2. Duties.
§ 114‑2. Duties.
It shall be the duty of the Attorney General:
(1) To defend all actions in the appellate division in which theState shall be interested, or a party, and to appear for the State in anyother court or tribunal in any cause or matter, civil or criminal, in whichthe State may be a party or interested.
(2) To represent all State departments, agencies, institutions,commissions, bureaus or other organized activities of the State which receivesupport in whole or in part from the State.
(3) Repealed by Session Laws 1973, c. 702, s. 2.
(4) To consult with and advise the prosecutors, when requested by them, in all matters pertaining to the duties of their office.
(5) To give, when required, his opinion upon all questions oflaw submitted to him by the General Assembly, or by either branch thereof, orby the Governor, Auditor, Treasurer, or any other State officer.
(6) To pay all moneys received for debts due or penalties to theState immediately after the receipt thereof into the treasury.
(7) To compare the warrants drawn on the State treasury with thelaws under which they purport to be drawn.
(8) Subject to the provisions of G.S. 62‑20:
a. To intervene, when he deems it to be advisable in the publicinterest, in proceedings before any courts, regulatory officers, agencies andbodies, both State and federal, in a representative capacity for and on behalfof the using and consuming public of this State. He shall also have theauthority to institute and originate proceedings before such courts, officers,agencies or bodies and shall have authority to appear before agencies on behalfof the State and its agencies and citizens in all matters affecting the publicinterest.
b. Upon the institution of any proceeding before any Stateagency by application, petition or other pleading, formal or informal, theoutcome of which will affect a substantial number of residents of NorthCarolina, such agency or agencies shall furnish the Attorney General withcopies of all such applications, petitions and pleadings so filed, and, whenthe Attorney General deems it advisable in the public interest to intervene insuch proceedings, he is authorized to file responsive pleadings and to appearbefore such agency either in a representative capacity in behalf of the usingand consuming public of this State or in behalf of the State or any of itsagencies. (1868‑9, c.270, s. 82; 1871‑2, c. 112, s. 2; Code, s. 3363; 1893, c. 379; 1901, c.744; Rev., s. 5380; C.S., s. 7694; 1931, c. 243, s. 5; 1933, c. 134, s. 8;1941, c. 97; 1967, c. 691, s. 51; 1969, c. 535; 1973, c. 702, s. 2; 1977, c.468, s. 17; 1979, c. 107, s. 9; 1983, c. 913, s. 15.)