§ 113A-180.1. Cost-share agreements.
§ 113A‑180.1. Cost‑shareagreements.
(a) In order to receive forest development cost‑sharepayments, an eligible landowner shall enter into a written agreement with theDepartment describing the eligible land, setting forth the approved practicesimplemented for the area and covered by the approved forest management plan,and agreeing to maintain those practices for a 10‑year period.
(b) In the absence of Vis major or Act of God or other factorsbeyond the landowner's control, a landowner who fails to maintain the practiceor practices for a 10‑year period in accordance with the agreement setforth in subsection (a) of this section shall repay to the Fund all cost‑sharingfunds received for that area.
(c) If the landowner voluntarily relinquishes control or titleto the land on which the approved practices have been established, thelandowner shall:
(1) Obtain a written statement, or a form approved by theDepartment, from the new owner or transferee in which the new owner ortransferee agrees to maintain the approved practices for the remainder of the10‑year period; or
(2) Repay to the Fund all cost‑sharing funds received forimplementing the approved practices on the land.
Ifa written statement is obtained from the new owner or transferee, the originallandowner will no longer be responsible for maintaining the approved practicesor repaying the cost‑sharing funds. The responsibility for maintainingthose practices for the remainder of the 10 years shall devolve to the newowner or transferee. (1997‑352, s. 2.)