§ 113-60.33. Standby duty.
§ 113‑60.33. Standby duty.
(a) Standby duty is time during which a fire fighter is requiredto remain within 25 miles of his duty station and be available to return to theduty station on call. The Department shall provide each fire fighter on standbyduty with an electronic paging device that makes the wearer accessible to hisduty station.
(b) Notwithstanding subsection (a) of this section, for at leasttwo out of 14 consecutive days that a fire fighter is on duty, the Departmentof Environment and Natural Resources shall permit the fire fighter to be morethan 25 miles from his duty station so long as the fire fighter gives theDepartment of Environment and Natural Resources a telephone number where he canbe reached; each month, the days the fire fighter is permitted to be more than25 miles from his duty station shall include one full weekend. On the days thefire fighter is permitted to be more than 25 miles from his duty station, theDepartment of Environment and Natural Resources may call him only when there isa bona fide emergency. (1985, c. 757, s. 160(a); 1989, c. 727, s. 218(55); 1997‑443, s.11A.119(a).)