§ 113-60.24. Open burning in non-high hazard counties; permits required; standards.
§ 113‑60.24. Openburning in non‑high hazard counties; permits required; standards.
(a) The provisions of this section apply only to the countiesnot designated as high hazard counties in G.S. 113‑60.23(a).
(b) It shall be unlawful for any person to start or cause to bestarted any fire or ignite any material in any woodland under the protection ofthe Department or within 500 feet of any such woodland during the hoursstarting at midnight and ending at 4:00 P.M. without first obtaining a permitfrom the Department. Permits may be obtained from forest rangers or otheragents authorized by the forest ranger to issue such permits in the county inwhich the fire is to be started. Such permits shall be issued by the ranger orother agent unless permits for the area in question have been prohibited orcancelled under G.S. 113‑60.25 or 113‑60.27. (1981, c. 1100, s. 2.)