§ 113-270.3. Special activity licenses; big game kill reports.
§ 113‑270.3. Specialactivity licenses; big game kill reports.
(a) In addition to anyhunting, trapping, or fishing license that may be required pursuant to G.S. 113‑270.1B(a),individuals engaging in specially regulated activities must have the appropriatespecial activity license prescribed in this section before engaging in theregulated activity.
(b) The specialactivity licenses issued by the Wildlife Resources Commission are as follows:
(1) Resident Big GameHunting License $10.00. This license shall be issued only to an individualresident of the State and entitles the holder to take big game by all lawfulmethods and during all open seasons.
(1a) Nonresident Bear/WildBoar Hunting License $125.00. This license is valid for use only by anindividual within the State and must be procured before taking any bear or wildboar within the State. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, anonresident individual may not take any bear or wild boar within the Statewithout procuring this license; provided, that those persons who have anonresident lifetime sportsman combination license purchased prior to May 24,1994, shall not have to purchase this license.
(2) Nonresident Big GameHunting License. This license shall be issued only to an individual nonresidentof the State and entitles the holder to take big game by all lawful methods andduring all open seasons. The nonresident big game hunting licenses issued bythe Wildlife Resources Commission are:
a. Season License $60.00.
b. Six‑DayLicense $40.00. This license is only valid for the six consecutive datesindicated on the license.
(2a) Bonus Antlerless DeerLicense $10.00. This license shall be issued to an individual resident ornonresident of the State who holds a valid North Carolina big game huntinglicense or an individual resident who is exempt from the hunting licenserequirement in accordance with G.S. 113‑276(c) and G.S. 113‑276(d)and entitles the holder to take two antlerless deer during seasons and bymethods authorized by the Wildlife Resources Commission. This license expiresJune 30.
(3) Game Land License $15.00.This license shall be issued to an individual resident or nonresident of theState and entitles the holder to hunt and trap on game lands managed by theWildlife Resources Commission. The Wildlife Resources Commission may, pursuantto G.S. 113‑264(a), designate in its rules other activities on game landsthat require purchase of this license and may charge additional fees for use ofspecially developed facilities.
(4) Falconry License $10.00.This license shall be issued to an individual resident or nonresident of theState and must be procured before:
a. Taking, importing,transporting, or possessing a raptor; or
b. Taking wildlife bymeans of falconry.
TheWildlife Resources Commission may issue classes of falconry licenses necessaryto participate in the federal/State permit system, require necessaryexaminations before issuing licenses or permits to engage in various authorizedactivities related to possession and maintenance of raptors and the sport offalconry, and regulate licenses as required by governing federal law and rules.To defray the costs of administering required examinations, the WildlifeResources Commission may charge reasonable fees upon giving them. To meetminimum federal standards plus other State standards in the interests ofconservation of wildlife resources, the Wildlife Resources Commission mayimpose all necessary controls, including those set out in the sectionspertaining to collection licenses and captivity licenses, and may issue permitsand require reports, but no collection license or captivity license is neededin addition to the falconry license.
(5) Migratory WaterfowlHunting License $10.00. This license shall be issued to an individualresident or nonresident of the State and entitles the holder to take migratorywaterfowl in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. The WildlifeResources Commission may implement this license requirement through the sale ofan official waterfowl stamp which may be a facsimile, in an appropriate size,of the waterfowl conservation print authorized by G.S. 113‑270.2B. Anamount not less than one‑half of the annual proceeds from the sale ofthis license shall be used by the Commission for cooperative waterfowl habitatimprovement projects through contracts with local waterfowl interests, with theremainder of the proceeds to be used by the Commission in its statewideprograms for the conservation of waterfowl.
(c) Any individual whokills any species of big game must report the kill to the Wildlife ResourcesCommission. The Commission may by rule prescribe the method of making thereport, prescribe its contents, and require positive identification of thecarcass of the kill, by tagging or otherwise. The Wildlife Resources Commissionmay administratively provide for the annual issuance of big game tags or otheridentification for big game authorized by this section to holders of lifetimesportsman licenses and lifetime comprehensive hunting licenses.
(d) Any individual whopossesses any of the lifetime sportsman licenses established by G.S. 113‑270.1D(b)may engage in specially regulated activities without the licenses required bysubdivisions (1), (2), (3), and (5) of subsection (b) of this section. Anyindividual possessing an annual sportsman license established by G.S. 113‑270.1D(a)or a lifetime or annual comprehensive hunting license established by G.S.113‑270.2(c)(2)or (5) may engage in specially regulated activities without the licenses requiredby subdivisions (1), (3), and (5) of subsection (b) of this section.
(e) When the WildlifeResources Commission establishes a primitive weapons season pursuant to G.S.113‑291.2(a), all of the combination hunting and fishing licensesestablished in G.S.113‑270.1C, sportsman licenses established in G.S. 113‑270.1D,and hunting licenses established in G.S. 113‑270.2(c)(1), (2), (3), (5),and (6) entitle the holder to participate. For purposes of this section,"primitive weapons" include bow and arrow, muzzle‑loadingfirearm, and any other primitive weapon specified in the rules of the WildlifeResources Commission. (1969, c. 1042, s. 7; 1973, c. 1097, s. 1; 1975, c. 171; c. 197, ss.5, 7; c. 673, s. 1; 1977, c. 746, s. 1; 1979, c. 830, s. 1; 1979, 2nd Sess., c.1178, ss. 2, 5; 1981, c. 482, s. 7; c. 620, s. 1; 1981 (Reg. Sess., 1982), c.1201, s. 2; 1983, c. 140, ss. 2‑3; 1987, c. 156, ss. 3‑5; c. 452,ss. 2, 3; c. 745, s. 2; c. 827, s. 98; 1991, c. 671, s. 1; 1993 (Reg. Sess.,1994), c. 557, s. 2; 1993 (Reg. Sess., 1994), c. 684, s. 3; 1999‑339, s.6; 2001‑91, s. 3; 2006‑226, s. 21; 2009‑214, s. 1.)