§ 113-168.6. Commercial fishing vessel registration.
§ 113‑168.6. Commercial fishing vesselregistration.
(a) As used in this subsection, a North Carolina vessel is avessel that has its primary situs in the State. A vessel has its primary situsin the State if:
(1) A certificate of number has been issued for the vessel underArticle 1 of Chapter 75A of the General Statutes;
(2) A certificate of title has been issued for the vessel underArticle 4 of Chapter 75A of the General Statutes; or
(3) A certification of documentation has been issued for thevessel that lists a home port in the State under 46 U.S.C. § 12101, et seq., asamended.
(b) The owner of a vessel used in a commercial fishing operationin the coastal fishing waters of the State or a North Carolina vessel used toland or sell fish in the State shall register the vessel with the Division. Itis unlawful to use a vessel that is not registered with the Division in acommercial fishing operation in the coastal fishing waters of the State. It isunlawful to use a North Carolina vessel that is not registered with theDivision to land or sell fish in the State. No registration is required for avessel of any length that does not have a motor if the vessel is used only inconnection with another vessel that is properly registered.
(c) The annual fee for a commercial fishing vessel registrationshall be determined by the length of the vessel and shall be in addition to thefee for other licenses issued under this Article. The length of a vessel shallbe determined by measuring the distance between the ends of the vessel alongthe deck and through the cabin, excluding the sheer. The annual fee for acommercial fishing vessel registration is:
(1) One dollar ($1.00) per foot for a vessel not over 18 feet inlength.
(2) One dollar and fifty cents ($1.50) per foot for a vesselover 18 feet but not over 38 feet in length.
(3) Three dollars ($3.00) per foot for a vessel over 38 feet butnot over 50 feet in length.
(4) Six dollars ($6.00) per foot for a vessel over 50 feet inlength.
(d) A vessel may be registered at any office of the Division. Acommercial fishing vessel registration expires on the last day of the licenseyear.
(e) Within 30 days of the date on which the owner of aregistered vessel transfers ownership of the vessel, the new owner of thevessel shall notify the Division of the change in ownership and apply for areplacement commercial fishing vessel registration. An application for areplacement commercial fishing vessel registration shall be accompanied byproof of the transfer of the vessel. The provisions of G.S. 113‑168.1(h)apply to a replacement commercial fishing vessel registration. (1998‑225, s. 4.15; 2001‑213, s. 3.)