§ 111-15. Eligibility for relief.
§ 111‑15. Eligibility for relief.
Blind persons having the following qualifications shall be eligible forrelief under the provisions of this Article:
(1) Repealed by Session Laws 2000‑121, s. 13.
(2) Who are unable to provide for themselves the necessities oflife and who have insufficient means for their own support and who have norelative or relatives or other persons in this State able to provide for themwho are legally responsible for their maintenance; and
(3) Who, at the time his application is filed, is living in theState of North Carolina voluntarily with the intention of making his home inthe State and not for a temporary purpose. [and]
(4) Who are not inmates of any charitable or correctionalinstitution of this State or of any county or city thereof: Provided, that aninmate of such charitable institution may be granted a benefit in order toenable such person to maintain himself or herself outside of an institution;and
(5) Who are not, because of physical or mental condition, inneed of continuing institutional care. Provided, that the State agency shall,in determining need, take into consideration any other income and resources ofthe individual claiming aid to the blind; except that, in making suchdetermination, the State agency shall disregard such earned income as willenable said agency to receive the maximum grants from the federal governmentfor such purpose. (1937, c. 124, s.4; 1951, c. 319, s. 3; 1961, c. 666, s. 1; 1971, c. 1215, s. 1; 1981, c. 131;2000‑121, s. 13.)