§ 108A-24. Definitions.
Article 2.
Programs of PublicAssistance.
Part 1. In General.
§ 108A‑24. Definitions.
As used in Chapter 108A:
(1) "Applicant"is any person who requests assistance or on whose behalf assistance isrequested.
(1a) Repealed by SessionLaws 2001‑424, s. 21.52.
(1b) "Communityservice" means work exchanged for temporary public assistance.
(1c) "County blockgrant" means federal and State money appropriated to implement andmaintain a county's Work First Program.
(1d) "Countydepartment of social services" means a county department of socialservices, consolidated human services agency, or other local agency designatedto administer services pursuant to this Article.
(1e) "CountyPlan" is the biennial Work First Program plan prepared by each ElectingCounty pursuant to this Article and submitted to the Department forincorporation into the State Plan that also includes the Standard Work FirstProgram.
(2) "Department"is the Department of Health and Human Services, unless the context clearlyindicates otherwise.
(3) "Dependentchild" is a person 17 years of age or younger or, in the medicalassistance program, a person under 19 years of age. A child 18 years of age, ifin high school and expected to graduate by his or her 19th birthday, mayreceive Work First benefits through the month he or she turns 19 years of ageor graduates from high school, whichever comes first.
(3a) "ElectingCounty" means a county that elects to develop and is approved toadminister a local Work First Program.
(3b) "Employment"means work that requires either a contribution to FICA or the filing of a StateN.C. Form D‑400, or the equivalent.
(3c) "Family"means a unit consisting of a minor child or children and one or more of theirbiological parents, adoptive parents, stepparents, or grandparents livingtogether. For purposes of the Work First Program, family also includes a bloodor half‑blood relative or adoptive relative limited to brother, sister,great‑grandparent, great‑great‑grandparent, uncle, aunt,great‑uncle, great‑aunt, great‑great‑uncle, great‑great‑aunt,nephew, niece, first cousin, stepbrother, and stepsister.
(3d) "Federal TANFfunds" means the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families block grant fundsprovided for in Title IV‑A of the Social Security Act.
(3e) "FICA"means the taxes imposed by the Federal Insurance Contribution Act, 26 U.S.C. §3101, et seq.
(3f) Repealed by SessionLaws 2009‑489, s. 1, effective August 26, 2009.
(3g) "Full‑timeemployment" means employment which requires the employee to work a regularschedule of hours per day and days per week established as the standard full‑timeworkweek by the employer, but not less than an average of 30 hours per week.
(4) Repealed by SessionLaws 1983, c. 14, s. 3.
(4a) "MutualResponsibility Agreement" ("MRA") is an agreement between acounty and a recipient of Work First Program assistance which describes theconditions for eligibility for the assistance and what the county will provideto assist the recipient in moving from assistance to self‑sufficiency. AMRA may provide for recipient parental responsibilities and child developmentgoals and what a county or the State will provide to assist the recipient inachieving those child development goals. Improvement in literacy shall be apart of any MRA, but a recipient shall not be penalized if unable to achieveimprovement. A MRA is a prerequisite for any Work First Program assistanceunder this Article.
(4b) "Parent"means biological parent or adoptive parent, and for Work First purposes,includes a stepparent.
(5) "Recipient"is a person to whom, or on whose behalf, assistance is granted under thisArticle.
(6) "Resident,"unless otherwise defined by federal regulation, is a person who is living inNorth Carolina at the time of application with the intent to remain permanentlyor for an indefinite period; or who is a person who enters North Carolinaseeking employment or with a job commitment.
(7) "Secretary"is the Secretary of Health and Human Services, unless the context clearlyindicates otherwise.
(8) "Standard ProgramCounty" means a county that participates in the Standard Work FirstProgram.
(9) "Standard WorkFirst Program" means the Work First Program developed by the Department.
(10) "StatePlan" is the biennial Work First Program plan, based upon the aggregate ofthe Electing County Plans and the Standard Work First Program, prepared by theDepartment for the State's Work First Program pursuant to this Article, andsubmitted sequentially to the Budget Director, to the General Assembly, to theGovernor, and to the appropriate federal officials for approval.
(11) "Temporary"is a time period, not to exceed 60 cumulative months, which meets the federalrequirement of Title IV‑A.
(12) "Title IV‑A"means the Social Security Act, 42 U.S.C. § 601, et seq., as amended by thePersonal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996, P.L.104‑193, as further amended by the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005, P.L.109‑171 and to other provisions of federal law as may apply to assistanceprovided in this Article.
(13) "Work" islawful activity exchanged for cash, goods, uses, or services.
(14) "Work FirstDiversion Assistance" is a short‑term cash payment that is intendedto substantially reduce the likelihood of a family requiring Work First FamilyAssistance. Work First Diversion Assistance must be used to address a specificfamily crisis or episode of need and may not be used for ongoing or recurrentneeds. Work First Diversion Assistance is limited to once in a 12‑monthperiod.
(15) "Work FirstFamily Assistance" is a program of time‑limited periodic payments toassist in maintaining the children of eligible families while the adult familymembers engage in activities to prepare for entering and to enter theworkplace.
(16) "Work FirstProgram" is the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families programestablished in this Article.
(17) "Work FirstProgram assistance" means the goods or services provided under the WorkFirst Program.
(18) "Work FirstServices" are services funded from appropriations made pursuant to thisArticle and designed to facilitate the purposes of the Work First Program. (1981, c. 275, s. 1; 1983,c. 14, s. 3; 1997‑443, ss. 11A.118(a), 12.2; 2001‑424, s. 21.52;2009‑489, s. 1.)