§ 106-830. (For expiration date, see note) Purpose; definitions.
Article 70.
North CarolinaSustainable Local Food Advisory Council.
§ 106‑830. (Forexpiration date, see note) Purpose; definitions.
(a) Purpose. It isthe purpose of the North Carolina Sustainable Local Food Advisory Council tocontribute to building a local food economy, thereby benefiting North Carolinaby creating jobs, stimulating statewide economic development, circulating moneyfrom local food sales within local communities, preserving open space,decreasing the use of fossil fuel and thus reducing carbon emissions,preserving and protecting the natural environment, increasing consumer accessto fresh and nutritious foods, and providing greater food security for allNorth Carolinians. Recognizing the positive contributions of North Carolina'sagricultural sector to the State's economy and environmental quality, it is theintent of the General Assembly that the Council consider and develop policiesregarding the following subjects as they relate to North Carolinians:
(1) Health and wellness.
(2) Hunger and foodaccess.
(3) Economicdevelopment.
(4) Preservation offarmlands and water resources.
(b) Definitions. Asused in this Article, the following definitions apply:
(1) Sustainable food. Anintegrated system of plant and animal production practices that have a site‑specificapplication and that over the long term are able to do all of the following:
a. Satisfy human foodand fiber needs.
b. Enhanceenvironmental quality and the natural resource base upon which the agricultureeconomy depends.
c. Sustain the economicviability of farm operations.
d. Enhance the qualityof life for farmers and the society as a whole.
(2) Local food. Foodgrown within the borders of North Carolina. (2009‑530, s. 1.)