§ 106-634. Declaration of policy.
Article 55.
North Carolina Bee and Honey Act of 1977.
§ 106‑634. Declaration of policy.
The General Assembly hereby declares that it is in the public interestto promote and protect the bee and honey industry in North Carolina and toauthorize the Commissioner of Agriculture and the Board of Agriculture toperform services and conduct activities to promote, improve, and enhance thebee and honey industry in North Carolina particularly relative to smallbeekeepers; to regulate all bees of the superfamily Apoidea in any stage ofdevelopment; the causal agents of their disease or disorders, and their pests;to protect the bee and honey industry in North Carolina from bee diseases anddisorders and to provide regulatory services in the areas of pollination ofplants, honeybee poisonings, thefts, bee management and marketing. (1977, c. 238, s. 1.)