§ 106-50.31. Registration of additives.

§ 106‑50.31. Registration of additives.

Every soil additive distributed in North Carolina shall be registeredwith the Commissioner by the person whose name appears on the label on formsfurnished by the Commissioner. The applicant shall furnish such information asthe Commissioner may require. In determining the acceptability of any productfor registration, the Commissioner may require proof of claims made for thesoil additive. If no specific claims are made, the Commissioner may requireproof of usefulness and value of the soil additive. As evidence of proof, theCommissioner may rely on experimental data furnished by the applicant and mayrequire that such data be developed by a recognized research or experimentalinstitution. The Commissioner may further require that such data be developedfrom tests conducted under conditions identical to or closely related to thosepresent in North Carolina. The Commissioner may reject any data not developedunder such conditions and may rely on the advice of the Director of the NorthCarolina Agricultural Experiment Station in evaluating data for registration.

The registration fee shall be one hundred dollars ($100.00) per yearfor each product. Registration shall expire on December 31, annually, unless anapplication for renewal has been received prior to the expiration date.

The application for registration shall include the following:

(1)        The name and address of the registrant;

(2)        Product name;

(3)        Guaranteed analysis;

a.         Active ingredients (name of each ingredient and percent)

b.         Inert ingredients (name of each ingredient and percent)

(4)        Directions for use;

(5)        Purpose of product.

The application shall be accompanied by the label for the product andall advertisements including brochures, posters, or other information promotingthe product. The registrant is responsible for all guaranteed analysis andclaims appearing on the label. (1977, c. 233, s. 4; 1989, c. 544, s. 8.)