§ 106-245.14. Definitions.
§ 106‑245.14. Definitions.
The following words, terms, and phrases shall be construed for thepurpose of this Article as follows:
(1) "Authorized representative" means the Commissioneror any duly authorized agent or employee who is assigned to carry out theprovisions of this Article.
(2) "Candling and grading" means selecting eggs as totheir conformity to the standards of quality and size or weight classpreparatory to marketing them as a specific grade and size or weight class.
(3) "Commissioner" means the North CarolinaCommissioner of Agriculture.
(4) "Consumer" means any person who purchases eggs forhis or her use or his or her own family use or consumption and not for resale.
(5) "Container" means any box, case, basket, carton,sack, bag, or other receptacle containing eggs. "Subcontainer" meansany container used within another container.
(6) "Distributor" means any person, producer, firm orcorporation offering for sale or distributing eggs in the State to a retailer,cafe, restaurant, or any other establishment offering for sale to consumers,including but not limited to institutional consumers as defined in thisArticle. Distributors also shall include any person, producer, firm orcorporation distributing eggs to his or its own retail outlets or stores butshall not include any person, firm or corporation engaged only to haul ortransport eggs.
(7) "Eggs" means product of a domesticated chicken inthe shell or as further processed egg products.
(8) "Facilities" means any room, compartment, refrigeratoror vehicle used in handling eggs in any manner.
(9) "Grades" shall mean and include specificationsdefining the limit of variation in quality of two or more eggs.
(10) "Institutional consumer" means a restaurant, hotel,licensed boarding house, commercial bakery or any other institution in whicheggs are prepared as food for use by its patrons, residents or patients.
(11) "Law" means the provisions of this Article and allrules and regulations issued hereunder.
(12) "Lots" means a physical grouping of eggs orcontainers with eggs therein, as determined by the North Carolina Department ofAgriculture and Consumer Services.
(13) "Marketing of eggs" or "market" means thesale, offer for sale, gift, barter, exchange, advertising, branding, marking,labeling, grading, or other preparatory operation or distribution in any mannerof eggs or containers of eggs as defined in this Article.
(14) "Packer" means any person that is engaged ingrading, shell treating or packing eggs for sale to consumers, direct or throughdistribution outlets of stores.
(15) "Person" means and includes any individual,producer, firm, partnership, exchange, association, trustee, receiver,corporation, or any other business organization and any member, officer, oremployee thereof.
(16) "Retailer" means any person who markets eggs toconsumers.
(17) "Size or weight class" means a classification ofeggs based on weight at the rate per dozen.
(18) "Standards for quality" means specifications of thephysical characteristics of any or all of the component parts or the individualegg. (1965, c. 1138, s. 1; 1997‑261,s. 42.)