§ 106-2. Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services established; Board of Agriculture, membership, terms of office, etc.
§ 106‑2. Department of Agriculture and ConsumerServices established; Board of Agriculture, membership, terms of office, etc.
The Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services is created andestablished and shall be under the control of the Commissioner of Agriculture,with the consent and advice of a board to be styled "The Board ofAgriculture." The Board of Agriculture shall consist of the Commissionerof Agriculture, who shall be ex officio a member and chairman thereof and shallpreside at all meetings, and of 10 other members from the State at large, sodistributed as to reasonably represent the different sections and agricultureof the State. In the appointment of the members of the Board the Governor shallalso take into consideration the different agricultural interests of the State,and shall appoint one member who shall be a practical tobacco farmer torepresent the tobacco farming interest, one who shall be a practical cottongrower to represent the cotton interest, one who shall be a practical truckfarmer or general farmer to represent the truck and general farming interest,one who shall be a practical dairy farmer to represent the dairy and livestockinterest of the State, one who shall be a practical poultryman to represent thepoultry interest of the State, one who shall be a practical peanut grower torepresent the peanut interests, one who shall be experienced in marketing torepresent the marketing of products of the State. The members of such Boardshall be appointed by the Governor by and with the consent of the Senate, whenthe terms of the incumbents respectively expire. The term of office of suchmembers shall be six years and until their successors are duly appointed andqualified. The terms of office of the five members constituting the presentBoard of Agriculture shall continue for the time for which they were appointed.In making appointments for the enlarged Board of Agriculture, the Governorshall make the appointments so that the term of three members will be for twoyears, three for four and four for six years. Thereafter the appointments shallbe made for six years. Vacancies in such Board shall be filled by the Governorfor the unexpired term. The Commissioner of Agriculture and the members of theBoard of Agriculture shall be practical farmers engaged in their profession. (Code, s. 2184; 1901, c. 479, ss. 2, 4; Rev., s. 3931;1907, c. 497, s. 1; C.S., s. 4667; 1931, c. 360, s. 1; 1937, c. 174; 1995, c.509, s. 53; 1997‑261, ss. 15, 16.)