§ 105-552. Collection and administration of gross receipts tax.
§105‑552. Collection and administration of gross receipts tax.
(a) Effective Date. Atax or a tax increase levied under this Article becomes effective on the dateset by the board of trustees in the resolution levying the tax or the taxincrease. The effective date must be the first day of a month and may not beearlier than the first day of the second month after the board of trusteesadopts the resolution.
(b) Collection. A taxlevied by an Authority under this Article shall be collected by the Authoritybut shall otherwise be administered in the same manner as the optional grossreceipts tax levied by G.S. 105‑187.5. Like the optional gross receiptstax, a tax levied under this Article is to be added to the lease or rentalprice of a U‑drive‑it vehicle or motorcycle and thereby be paid bythe person to whom it is leased or rented.
A tax levied under thisArticle applies regardless of whether the retailer who leases or rents the U‑drive‑itvehicle or motorcycle has elected to pay the optional gross receipts tax on thelease or rental receipts from the vehicle. A tax levied under this Article mustbe paid to the Authority that levied the tax by the date an optional grossreceipts tax would be payable to the Secretary of Revenue under G.S. 105‑187.5if the retailer who leases or rents the U‑drive‑it vehicle ormotorcycle had elected to pay the optional gross receipts tax.
(c) Penalties andRemedies. The penalties and remedies that apply to local sales and use taxeslevied under Subchapter VIII of this Chapter apply to a tax levied under thisArticle. The board of trustees of an Authority may exercise any power theSecretary of Revenue or a board of county commissioners may exercise incollecting local sales and use taxes. (1997‑417, s. 3; 1998‑98,s. 35; 1999‑452, s. 28.)