§ 105-33. Taxes under this Article.
Privilege Taxes.
§ 105‑33. Taxes underthis Article.
(a) General. Taxes inthis Article are imposed for the privilege of carrying on the business,exercising the privilege, or doing the act named.
(b) License Taxes. Alicense tax imposed by this Article is an annual tax. The tax is due by July 1of each year. The tax is imposed for the privilege of engaging in a specifiedactivity during the fiscal year that begins on the July 1 due date of the tax.The full amount of a license tax applies to a person who, during a fiscal year,begins to engage in an activity for which this Article requires a license.Before a person engages in an activity for which this Article requires alicense, the person must obtain the required license.
(c) Other Taxes. Thetaxes imposed by this Article on a percentage basis or another basis are due asspecified in this Article.
(d) Repealed by SessionLaws 1998‑95, s. 2.
(e) Repealed by SessionLaws 1989, c. 584, s. 1.
(f), (g) Repealed by SessionLaws 1998‑95, s. 2.
(h) Liability UponTransfer. A grantee, transferee, or purchaser of any business or propertysubject to the State taxes imposed in this Article must make diligent inquiryas to whether the State tax has been paid. If the business or property has beengranted, sold, transferred, or conveyed to an innocent purchaser for value andwithout notice that the vendor owed or is liable for any of the State taxesimposed under this Article, the property, while in the possession of theinnocent purchaser, is not subject to any lien for the taxes.
(i), (j) Repealed by SessionLaws 1998‑95, s. 2.
(k) Repealed by SessionLaws 1987, c. 190. (1939, c. 158, s. 100; 1943, c. 400, s. 2; 1951, c.643, s. 2; 1953, c. 981, s. 1; 1963, c. 294, s. 3; 1973, c. 476, s. 193; 1977, c.657, s. 1; 1981, c. 83, ss. 1, 2; 1985, c. 114, s. 10; 1985 (Reg. Sess., 1986),c. 826, ss. 1, 2; c. 934, s. 3; 1987, c. 190; 1989, c. 584, s. 1; 1989 (Reg.Sess., 1990), c. 814, s. 1; 1991 (Reg. Sess., 1992), c. 981, s. 1; 1993, c.539, s. 688; 1994, Ex. Sess., c. 24, s. 14(c); 1996, 2nd Ex. Sess., c. 14, ss.18, 19; 1998‑95, ss. 1, 2.)