§ 104E-12. Records.
§104E‑12. Records.
(a) The Commission isauthorized to require each person who possesses or uses a source of radiation:
(1) To maintainappropriate records relating to its receipt, storage, use, transfer, ordisposal and maintain such other records as the Commission may require, subjectto such exemptions as may be provided by the rules and regulations promulgatedby the Commission; and
(2) To maintainappropriate records showing the radiation exposure of all individuals for whompersonnel monitoring may be required by the Commission, subject to suchexemptions as may be provided by the rules and regulations promulgated by theCommission.
Copies of all records required tobe kept by this subsection shall be submitted to the Department or its dulyauthorized agents upon request.
(b) The Commission isauthorized to require that any person possessing or using a source ofradiation furnish to each employee for whom personnel monitoring is required acopy of such employee's personal exposure record upon the request of suchemployee, at any time such employee has received radiation exposure in excessof limits established in the rules and regulations promulgated by theCommission, and upon termination of employment. (1975, c. 718, s. 1.)