§ 104B-1. Removal of property deposited by hurricane or other act of nature.
Hurricanes or Other Acts ofNature.
Article 1.
In General.
§ 104B‑1. Removal ofproperty deposited by hurricane or other act of nature.
Whenever the house, garage,building, or any part thereof, or other property of a person, firm or corporationshall be deposited on the land of another by any hurricane, tornado, tidalwave, flood or other act of nature and is not removed from said land within 30days after the deposit, the owner of such land may notify in writing the ownerof the house, garage, building, or other property of such deposit and mayrequire owner to remove the property so deposited within 60 days after receiptof the notice. If the owner of the deposited property fails to remove it within60 days after receipt of the notice, the owner of the land may remove thedeposited property and destroy it or may use it as he sees fit withoutincurring liability to the owner of the deposited property, or may sell it andretain the proceeds for his own use; provided, the amount by which the proceedsof any such sale exceed the cost of removal and sale shall be paid to the ownerof the deposited property or held for his account.
If the owner of the land isunable to notify the owner of the deposited property and, after diligentsearch, the owner of the deposited property cannot be located and notified, theowner of the land may, at any time after the expiration of 120 days from thedate of the deposit of the property on his land, remove, use, or sell thedeposited property in the same manner and under the same restrictions asprovided above for removal, use, or sale after notice.
Sales made under this sectionmay be either public or private sales. (1955, c. 643.)