§ 1-479. Qualification and justification of defendant's sureties.
§1‑479. Qualification and justification of defendant's sureties.
The qualification of thedefendant's sureties, and their justification, is as prescribed in respect tobail upon an order of arrest. The defendant's sureties, upon notice to theplaintiff of not less than two nor more than six days, shall justify before thecourt or judge, and upon this justification the sheriff must deliver theproperty to the defendant. The sheriff is responsible for the defendant'ssureties until justification is completed or expressly waived, and he mayretain the property until that time; but if they, or others in their place,fail to justify at the time and place appointed, he must deliver the propertyto the plaintiff. (C.C.P., ss. 182, 183; Code, ss. 327, 328; Rev., ss.796, 797; C.S., s. 837; 1971, c. 268, s. 30.1.)